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Unrest in Areas of Dublin, Ireland in Wake of Knife Attack

Posted by HCN on Sunday, November 26, 2023,
According to the series in the story gained so far, after a knife attack earlier this week that injured a woman and several children, whether actuality of the event was validated by protestors or not, the activities that include rioting and setting fires occurred. There are indications that it was in reaction to a want for a reduction of certain unwanted baggage of immigration, correlating from the information that the attacker near Parnell Square may have been an immigrant.

The concern for a ...
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Pension Reform Protests in France Continue Broiling

Posted by HCN on Saturday, March 25, 2023,
A lot of fires being set, a noticeable aspect of the turmoil.
Protests are reported to have been going on since about mid January 2023.
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Armenia and Spain Sites of Protests Late February Leading into March 2021

Posted by HCN on Monday, March 1, 2021,
Ramifications of the Nogorno-Karabakh situation took form of rallying.
Supporters of the Prime Minister Pashinyan did rallying.
Near government buildings, the city of Yerevan, often the site of rallying.

Arrest and sentence of rapper, rap considered a form of music composition, name of rapper to public record, Pablo Hasel, for 'glorifying terrorism, and insulting the monarchy', seemed to be the cause of unrest over the past ten days thereabout; advent recently, the police are investi...
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Muzzle Law in Poland and Resentment Over Downing of Plane in Iran

Posted by HCN on Sunday, January 12, 2020,
Protest going on right through here happening in two locations:
In Poland over the 'Muzzle Law'.
Has to do with restraint on judges voicing reforms.

In Iran, over the downing of a flight from Tehran to Kiev a.k.a. Kyiv earlier this week, which there are indications that Iran 'admitted to accidentally' downing the plane.
Protests against Iran government has occurred before.
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Rioting in South Africa Over Jobs to Foreigners

Posted by HCN on Thursday, September 5, 2019,
Rioters are fearing losing their jobs to foreigners. Five persons reported fatalities in the uprisongs in recent days.
In reaction, popular Nigerians have boycotted the region until the government shows response {the boycotters take to be sufficient, for brevity}.
Situation of rioting in fear of foreigners often called xenophobia.
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More Protesting in Hong Kong, First Week of July 2019

Posted by HCN protest tracker on Monday, July 8, 2019,
Somewhere between 50,000 to 250,000, marched, in what appears to be positions on the 'extradition to mainland China' issue.
In some ways, this article follows up on the previous posting here in Protest Tracker, whereat there were some assumptions that certain events were bound to materialize which may not have been spoken directly.
Primary of these, are that an atmosphere of protesting has started to incubate, the extradition issue perhaps one of the major sparks.  The march that you see here, ...
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Protests in Hong Kong June 2019 Shows Over a Million

Posted by Protest Tracker on Thursday, June 13, 2019,
For now we say, protests in Hong Kong in some sort of reaction to proposed extradition bill. This refers to the protesting that took place on June 12, 2019.
Apparently over 70 persons thus far have been injured.
Why isn't this front page news?, one reason for now is, tensions have been ongoing over various issue for at least decades, and this may be yet another protest, but not escalated to the point it is something unusual.  Considering the (large) number of people in the region, the protests ...
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Protest Continue in Paris, France

Posted by HCN on Monday, March 18, 2019,
A primary concern of the protesting which evidently has been occurring every weekend for about the 4 and a half months, is that they could serve as practice grounds for incendiary activity.  Breeding grounds for pyro-related devices and numerous 'how to' instructions can be refined in settings such as the last 18 weekends in Paris, where newly developed practitioners at the art of setting buildings on fire, could potentially use the skill sets developed, in other places around the globe.

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Protests in Haiti Last Week

Posted by HCN on Tuesday, February 12, 2019,
Severity of incident that went from protest calling for the current President, Jovenel Moïse, to resign, turning to violence and rampaging, involved leaving at least a reported 4 lost.  The UN made an assessment of the situation, and is working on a plan to ease the tension.  This is not the first time, riotous behavior regarding the Presidential seat in Haiti has occurred.
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Major Protests in Mid March 2018 Global Roundup

Posted by HCN on Tuesday, March 27, 2018,
South Africa land protest turns markedly violent, reported that 30 persons dead, thus far, about 7pm EST, march 27, 2018

Catalan leader arrest, en segue protest, March 26th/27th, 2018 thereabout

University reforms, subsequent, protests at University of Montpellier in southeastern France; a sit-in was 'broken-up' by masked men in balaclavas and bats that started hitting the individuals participating in the sit-in, is within the sequence of events; March 25th/26th, 2018, thereabout

March for Our L...

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Protests in Venezuela Have Death Toll, Protests in Brazil Over Land Rights

Posted by HCN, protest tracker on Thursday, April 27, 2017,
In Venezuela, thus far over 20 people dead, EST 9pm.
Evidently, OAS withdrawal has been considered.
A lot of gas masks present, violence to extreme theme.

Brazil land rights protesting.
Tear gas had to be used after violence erupts.

Published April 26, 2017 evening

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Protests in Serbia After Political Victory

Posted by protest tracker on Thursday, April 6, 2017,
Protests have occurred in Belgrade, and reports of prospects of more protesting there, and in Nis.  The protests have been stated to be in response to the victory of Vucic; evidently, some do not like his leadership style or policy style, such as, references to 'dictatorship', when translated into English.

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Riots in Paris Over Death of Chinese Man... Riots...

Posted by Headline Crest News on Friday, March 31, 2017,
The riots in Paris, France that stretched into at least 3 days, raises other eyebrows besides brutality ethics in the region.  An ethical news site is not in business or performs function for the purpose of wasting their time and breath.

How many time has the situation happened before?

If the newspaper cannot help stop or prevent preventable wrongful violence, then they might be better off not saying anything.

The go-rounds of certain violence spring ups should stop, fpor reasons that benef...
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Reports of Over a Couple Hundred Thousand Protesters in Germany Over TTIP

Posted by HCN on Sunday, September 18, 2016,
In Germany, the cities of Berlin and Munich especially saw heavy protesting regarding the TTIP, Transatlantic Trade and Investment Partnership

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Argentina, Peru, Chile Among Locations of Marches Against TPP

Posted by HCN on Monday, January 25, 2016,
Story here:

Trans Pacific Partnership, TPP, trade deal is perceived as being unfair by protestors.

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Protests in North and South America., Major Cities in Europe Including Paris and Denmark, Tokyo, and Cities in Turkey Marching Against Military Action in Gaza

Posted by HCN on Saturday, July 26, 2014,
Times Square, and Foley Square in New York, where Jews and others alike protested the military activity occurring in Gaza. 

Santiago in Chile has had protests.

Paris, France, Parisian Square area, has had protests. 

Cities in Europe that have had protests include Copenhagen, Stockholm, Glasgow.

In Turkey, there are reports of a protest in Istanbul outside U.S. Consulate, either in progress, imminent, or planned for the very future.

Protesting in Tokyo.

Pretty much major cornerstones representing ...
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Kiev in Ukraine Protests Vibe Setting at Dry Old Barbaric

Posted by HCN on Thursday, January 23, 2014,
Dry old barbaric, what does this mean?
To kill ones brother and does not care.
There is a difference between to kill one's brother to save one's brother, and to just kill one's brother.
We all hope that killing of one's brother comes to a halt.
Protesting situation in Kiev, a very old ancient city, located as it is known today, in Ukraine.

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Cambodia Contends with Garment Workers Protesting Over Matters Referring to Wage Earnings

Posted by HCN on Wednesday, January 8, 2014,
Reports are have it 5 persons have died in heated protests said to be concerning wage earnings of garment workers.
Land rights campaigning is in the mix, especially about development of Boeung Kak Lake located in northern Phnom Penh, the city where protesting action seems to be the most intense.

Source and full story: <>
At the source of story webpage, there is content th...
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Chile Sees Riot Clash Over Education

Posted by HCN on Wednesday, November 20, 2013,
Santiago, Chile, saw riots within the past couple of days, the result, a clash between students and riot police, over the matter said to be education.


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Independence Day in Poland Celebratory March Witnessed Shifts to Aggressive Behavior

Posted by HCN on Monday, November 11, 2013,
In Warsaw, the Russian Embassy was amongst the structures in the path of destructive acts during what would be an National Independence Day march, held on November 11th, this year 2013.

Q.v. USA Today online.
Rights reserved technicalities in effect.

In Zbawiciela Square, there was also some torching.

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Marchers in Russia

Posted by HCN on Tuesday, November 5, 2013,
In a few cities in Russia, there are reports that marchers numbering in the thousands were on the streets.  Whether all of the historic backdrop contained in the article is unanimously agreed on or not, here is a story:
Russian nationalists march against immigration

Several thousand rally in Moscow and other demonstrations in St Petersburg, Kazan and Irkutsk on Unity Day

    Associated Press in Moscow, Monday 4 November 2013 09.19 EST
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Protesting Against Police in Turkey, Brazil, U.S. California. France Sees Protests About Ecotax

Posted by HCN on Tuesday, October 29, 2013,
Roundup comprised of excerpts from articles:

Turkish police break up protest after court ruling

Demonstrators have clashed with police outside of a Turkish courthouse after it declined to order the arrest of a policeman accused of killing an anti-government protester. The accused claims he acted in self-defense.


Violent protests in Brazil after police shoot teenager

Brazilian police say they have de...
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Crackdown on Protest in Sudan

Posted by HCN on Tuesday, October 29, 2013,
Sudan arrests seven university professors in crackdown on protests

Tuesday Oct 29, 2013  |  Reuters

KHARTOUM (Reuters) - Sudanese authorities arrested seven university professors, a human rights lawyer said on Monday, extending a crackdown on opposition activists after fuel price increases touched off the country's worst unrest for years.

The Khartoum government cut fuel subsidies to ease a financial crunch aggravated by the secession of oil-producing South Sudan in 2011. The move doubled pump p...
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