A Wheel Somewhere in the Skies and Progress to Be Made Ahead

Posted by HCN on Wednesday, January 6, 2021
Late afternoon January 6, 2021, EST

To say something instead of nothing, at times could have wisdom. Originally, my first action was to say nothing and build further on knowledge. However, time may be of the essence to improve the health and welfare of some those amongst us, especially suffering from coronavirus. Maybe this piece of writing can help with that.

What happened in the past week, included the coming of a new solar year, and the passing of the son of Maryland Congressman Raskin who mentioned about him as a cherub. Recent in a chain of personal events, was to review the book Truth About Truth [Anderson, 1995], wherein it mentioned evanescence about the Epiphany. I studied this paragraph before, perhaps over a year ago, looking up the definitions of the content in trying to better understand what this was all about, as in what this sentence is trying to say. I repeated the process when I was going over the entire book within the last day or so, and sources discuss evanescence as a vanishing, and evanescence as often a reference by some to what they believe refers to Jesus, and Epiphany, again by some, as having to do with three magi that visited Jesus after he was born. Etymology of epiphany summarily has to do with manifesting, appearing, revealing, or to show. Coincidentally, Epiphany is celebrated by a number of individuals January 6, 2021, which is today.

When I see this word vanishing, as it pertains to someone of the stature of Isa or Jesus, how ever spelled, are memories of the Saint of Jilan speaking about vanishing as it relates to renouncing earthly base matters. So I am left studying, in consideration that in many modern day found teachings in the Arabic and Middle East speaking world, the date of birth for Isa, Jesus, is different than a specific December 25th, generally. A specific day on the lunar calendar has been cited in written works. The Epiphany briefy, is a certain number of days after the 25th, often selected the 6th of January, whereat if the 25th was not consistent with the lunar year teachings, then the days the magi visited, would be different as well, logic might hold.

Doubling up on Truth About Truth as a reference, and there are other written works that explain the same, it discusses that truth, as one average person might hold it in their mind, includes what they perceived as the truth. Basically the understanding of the information they read. We know that a large amount of information read today in simple English are watered down fragmented, sometimes even allusions to what an original message was, especially in the context of books of the referent sort thousands of years ago.

Eventually where this all led to, is the divides of man and society, and the rationale for them as they appear in the minds' of many ordinary people today, are very tenuously substantiated to exist, if they should exist at all, or certainly in the way it was constructed many years ago, changes made in timelines as we go along.

Arabic has the term haq, briefly translated into English as truth, and word extensions that refer to ongoing truth, and really getting at the truth. Sometimes it might involve setting notions, especially that appeal to base desires, like sins, aside.

This wheel, details of which I will withhold, basically was one controlled by the Supreme, as logical, the Amir, from Arabic term, or the one who controls everything that goes on in the order of the universe. The divides keep this wheel involving earthly strife going. A wheel somewhere between the skies and the earth. Right now, where the world is going, in terms of the impact of coronavirus, a lift up from the force of the pandemic is needed, and the divides, some which might only be the product of delusional notions of the mind, might not be helping in the process of the uplifting.

One of the reasons for holding back from saying anything at all, is the concern caused by knowledge falling into the wrong hands and being used to propagate even further harm and exploitation of the people.

Nevertheless, hopefully a safe side mention is, already explained above.

Here are a few matters that might be slowing us, the inhabitants of the world down, from a successful collective effort that is effective, and not palliative (another discussion that needs going into) for combating coronavirus and other challenges of peace right now, this first week of January 2021:

It was not just the bombings of Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Lop Nur, but in 1949, little discussed in history books in American classrooms today, the testing of nuclear type devices, perhaps the aggregate of tests since, are over 2000 times in nuclear charge power than that of Hiroshima. (About Semipalatinsk tests, https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Семипалатинский_испытательный_полигон).

El Hajj Abdul Malik Shabazz (known popularly as Malcolm X), reference his father, was at least aware of a conference or meeting of some sort of higher up, where it was discussed events that would later unfold involved in splitting numerous individuals with what is often currently described as having at least some African American in them, especially those in 'Muslim groups', some or maybe even many of them would be closely related, as in kith and kin. Addressed before rifts happened.

'Decrees' made, regarding what is called today Israel and Palestine, post the mid 1800s. Bani Israel or sons of, tribe of, how so translated, has existed in written form for at least a thousand five hundred years before that. A rigid holding, often acompanied by huge misunderstandings of information, of this is one side to belong to and have loyalty to, and this is the other side, continue to carry on.

And so, if one is an African American, or the often considered racist word 'black', he or she has nothing to do with Israel and Palestine, and those from that region that lies between Egypt to its west, and bulk of Arabian peninsula south, have nothing to do with African Americans and 'blacks', as perhaps preached or loose propaganda effort of some sort, maybe hysterical like trend that made its way partially due to gross ignorance, a combination of these, and so forth. To aspire or make an effort to reflect qualities of cherubim, might not often be the everyday yardsticks that young African Americans go by these days; but why did that develop?

Being real about this, the well known song sung back in the 1980s, did not accompany the reflections over the last few days, however, immediately afterward of course, are that in earlier days, I wondered, and might not be the only one to, just what is that wheel.

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All automatic computer site generated time stamps directly below article title on all webpages in HCN, are on Greenwich Mean Time. There might be occasions especially at night where the story is written in E.S.T., on a date one day prior than the GMT date.


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