Browsing Archive: January, 2021

A Wheel Somewhere in the Skies and Progress to Be Made Ahead

Posted by HCN on Wednesday, January 6, 2021,
Late afternoon January 6, 2021, EST

To say something instead of nothing, at times could have wisdom. Originally, my first action was to say nothing and build further on knowledge. However, time may be of the essence to improve the health and welfare of some those amongst us, especially suffering from coronavirus. Maybe this piece of writing can help with that.

What happened in the past week, included the coming of a new solar year, and the passing of the son of Maryland Congressman Raskin who m...
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All automatic computer site generated time stamps directly below article title on all webpages in HCN, are on Greenwich Mean Time. There might be occasions especially at night where the story is written in E.S.T., on a date one day prior than the GMT date.


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