Browsing Archive: March, 2024

Food Constraints Situation in the Holy Land Shouldn't be a 'Condescending Game'

Posted by HCN on Monday, March 4, 2024,
All at one time:
'Your body has rights over you'
Necessities of humans popularly understood to be food, shelter, and clothing.
What is unraveled and raveled, forbidden and permissible, (halal/haram)- rules/guidance are even lifted when conditions are at certain points.

Sure, there are historical points that involved amazing things or feats such as stories of going a year without eating.

Part of the idea of that sort of pursuit can be that a conquest over the baser self could lead to a level of dig...
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All automatic computer site generated time stamps directly below article title on all webpages in HCN, are on Greenwich Mean Time. There might be occasions especially at night where the story is written in E.S.T., on a date one day prior than the GMT date.


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