Browsing Archive: October, 2024

The 'Business' of Using People and Mental Conditions as the 'Raw Material', Once Again Being Checked in the Spotlight

Posted by HCN -Statements on Thursday, October 24, 2024,
For many, they may be thinking, or have the same thing come to mind, I see this, and I see this.
Recently in the news, I see this:, Dealing the Dead, NBC News exposed how a Texas medical school dissected the unclaimed bodies of the poor and leased them out without people's consent or the knowledge of their families.
In the past, I have, or we have, seen, videos about those that may be susceptible, or in the wrong place at the wrong time, when they might'...

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Ethel Kennedy, Reflections in the Skies

Posted by HCN on Saturday, October 19, 2024,

Having spent and experienced over nine and a half decades, she needless to say, deserves whether literally or figuratively, the action of stand and be recognized.

Honestly, over the past few weeks, surely many others with good intentions have done or are doing the same, I and we have been in a constant state of search for solutions for peace in our world. So much so that it might start to take a hold of us.

In recent hours, as research was continuing for the peace endeavor, somehow a still ...

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