Interior Woes Continue to Occur While Overshadowed by National and Foreign Policy Initiatives

Posted by HCN on Friday, April 21, 2017
Published April 20th 2017

There is more going on in the area of important news in the USA than just slow drama regarding peace processes in the Middle East.  Analogy to a human body, the body can get sick or be injured from causes coming from the outside, and, causes coming from the inside.  It is important to keep track of the health of both, outside and inside.

Here is recent news with comments related to a few selected regions that tell the story of serious matters coming from the interior, microcosms of the situation.


Birmingham, Alabama, a truck found with high powered assault weapons, and the possibility of multiple explosives, was stopped earlier today, Thursday April 20th. 

What might this tell us?  We have to be mindful of what goes on in the interior geographic boundaries as well as the exterior, when it comes to dangerous weapons.


3 female softball players were arrested in the Auburn area of Alabama today, Thursday April 20th 2017, on marijuana related charges. (Source:

They were suspended.

For the sake of laying down the basics, some substances when ingested the wrong way or for the wrong reasons, are deemed intoxicants.

The fight for freedom of marijuana for reasons of pleasure and filling desire is being weighed on numerous scales, not just the ones that make news headlines.  There are fights for more constructive causes such as betterment of schools, education, and access thereunto.



“Nearly one out of every five Missouri districts receives an annual payment from the U.S. government because their school boundaries include federally owned forestland. Last year, the check amounts ranged from $171 to $263,390.

The payments used to be twice as high and now are in danger of going away altogether.” (Source:

Reiterating the story on education funding.


Ft. Riley Staff Sergeant Swift found safe.




A marine has been found deceased.  Location of find, Kaau Crater trail. Reference Pfc Wechsler.


Brings up the subject of soldier safety while in the homeland.



Many homeless now in Hawaii, disproportionate to other states.



Charming Pomona woman deceased after DUI hit her vehicle back in 2015, suspect convicted this week, 2017. 

DUI, driving under alcoholic beverage intoxication.

Although the incident was about 2 years ago, it clangs the question, when are sad DUI tragedies going to take a curb down?


School board President found with absurd number of child porn pictures in his possession.


When are the number of incidents school officials suspected of child porn going to take a sharp curb down for the better?


Social Media

Let us strive to keep social media platforms, especially the well known ones, a safe place, fun, and help the growth of business and education.

The horrendous stories of one crime after another should stop.

There has been yet another unspeakable incident in the past few days. 

Why are people doing these wicked crimes on specific social media platforms?


Workplace violence, and human trafficking, are 2 other problems that plague that need reducing as well.

Laclede Gas employees succumbed to gunman.  (Source:

Hopefully next time an interior news summary is written the major points in the story will be to the brighter side.

Tags: using social media wrongfully  human trafficking  truck stopped with weapons  missouri  california  hawaai  soldiers missing in u.s.  marijuana charges  official found with child porn 

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