Lunar Calendar Handling Sometimes Uncomfortable in DC and Surrounding MD, VA Suburbs, Baltimore Area Corridor

Posted by HCN on Thursday, April 15, 2021
This is in the statements and comments section.
It is in gray area.
Comment set forth in the hope of collective high and higher conditions, and betterment, as applicable.

Whereat, with new technology such as graphics of the earth's orbit and appearance of lunar timelines down to fractions of a second available free to the public, changes naturally will occur in the future.

Room for improvement, or adjustments are bound to be, to specify exactly the condition is difficult, given the many intentions of those involved.

At a superficial level what is being talked about is the start day of Ramadhan, the fasting month especially observed by those Muslim, and the Eid following it.

Information, there are two Eid each lunar year, one marking the culmination of Ramadhan, the other just after two months later, the culmination of Hajj.

Unanimous agreement as to which day is Eid upon Hajj may be easier, because of the different observances for each day of Hajj, so once everyone performing certain activities before Eid, most folks can anticipate the sequence of events.

Insofar start and ending of Ramadhan, the 'sighting of the moon is involved'. Those that have a strong understanding of the start and stop of each month, leave it at that, the start and stop is the start and stop. The forcing of a certain amount of days, maximum and minimum, if then scenarios, not as emphasized. Graphic technology of lunar phases has shown details.

Problems arise in the region. The start and stop of Ramadhan is not the long and short of what should be paid attention to, mainly referencing different dates throughout the year, and ongoing; which is a bit past a simplified, the only dates that 'really matter' or be paid attention to is Ramadhan.

Awkward moments of disharmony as to start and stop dates have been plaguing the region for at least decades. Demographics have changed, affecting what it is that interface.

For illustration, a scenario that can happen when not everyone involved are in agreeance soon enough, is if the start of the previous month is not on the same page, markedly if a day or two later than most others have it, at the end of the month, if it is a cloudy day and the start of the month is not announced yet, individuals could wind up dealing with a lunar month that is 31 days, generally taken in the past several decades as an anomaly by those that insist on limiting the month span, in regions where moon sighting technology and amenities like cars and computers are abundant.

The extreme example situation here is to substantiate why conditions should be improved; there could be times when younger individuals on restricted income such as foreign students, are the only ones in town to observe Eid, there is no evening place to go to break fast, their family back home told them to observe the day on such and such date, the take a day off work and risk their job, and wind up going hungry for the day, then to add to the pain, they find out that at the last second their family observed the day on another date.

Announcing the start and stop of every lunar month, based off observations and sighting of the moon, and making it more of a priority, might change the dynamics of how everyone gets and not gets on the same page, and eventually the start and stop of Ramadhan. This is one action that can be done, that used to be done by adherents, or still done by those that attend more to the subject, that can help the overall condition.

Generally, those that observe Ramadhan and Eid, find it distasteful when their own neighbor or family member is not observing the first day of Ramadhan, last day of fasting Eid, as they are. One household is performing Eid festivities, (the go to offer them a meal,) while the household up the street is still fasting. The frustration mounts.

The DC, surrounding suburbs, Baltimore corridor, does not have to continue in that way.

Everyone in the region is affected, businesses, monetary generation, workplace presence, and so forth.

To be continued and revised

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All automatic computer site generated time stamps directly below article title on all webpages in HCN, are on Greenwich Mean Time. There might be occasions especially at night where the story is written in E.S.T., on a date one day prior than the GMT date.


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