Misinformation, Disinformation, Arabia, Persia, Middle East Together or in Parts, MEK, in Start of 2020 Discussed :Pre-Commentary

Posted by HCN on Sunday, February 9, 2020
February 8th 2020, evening, EST

With a new generation of leaders and prospective leaders, the U.S., must be careful in how we integrate information into our decision making process, considering that social media and online news sources have huge amounts of content, some true, some false, some mixes of the truth with falsehood and nationalism goals of entities or countries which may or may not entirely exist. U.S. new generation.. has to be careful that there is so much information out there in cyberspace now, for a single individual to acquire it all is nearly impossible, then comes the question of selectivity, what do you read and what do you ignore, what do you believe and what do you send in the junk folder?

This article is supposed to be brief. So, let us start with putting some kind of framework or frameworks out there.

Tensions between the Middle East and the USA are about as given they will arise here and there as clashes and rivals between the Romans and the German from ancient times. Simple, differences in culture. The USA wants the freedom methodologies in just about every aspect of philosophy and society, wherein, there is bound to be a conflict with some of these to some of the traditional ways of the Middle East. Sometimes. Other times, inordinate freedom in the USA to the point of youth acting absurdly 'crazy', can match segments of youth and freedom pushers in the Middle East; in other words doing and thinking the exact same thing. For example, the want for the freedom to do as many drugs as they can.

For this posting, the contrast that we need to know, is right now, an average American guy or gal might not be as intense in Islamic tradition as an Islamic intense guy or gal in the Middle East.

Recently, President Trump was acquitted for a couple of allegations, which arguments surrounding coming from many members, not all, but many, especially younger generation, did not have or seem to have a broader set of erudition about all the issues to even have their feet held to the fire of either way they sided. For example, one of the senior Senators discussed sandbags on the Capitol building after the fateful day of Martin Luther King, and that we were not nearly in that kind of emergency. How many of the younger generation, loosely, born after 1970, involved with the impeachment trial or were not, knew about aspects like that?

Sometime during the trial, there were drone strikes against a couple of nearing senior or senior military officials, as all held relative, from the Iran and Iraq region, reference Soleimani, or spelled Suleimani. As this event was put by many media in the US as in the thick of things, in terms of how everyone should view the current Administration, how many here in the US, born later that 1970, knew much about the MEK, Baath Party, and N Said?

How often did news stories in the US talk about these figures and entities, historic to Iran and Iraq?

Situation of misinformation and disinformation, both words per se, became apparent when stories started running all over the news right around the time of the State of the Union Address and the acquital of the President, stories about how so and so in Iran was trying to strike up and allegiance with Saudi Arabia, as an instance. Suddenly there are spates of stories about the MEK with respect to the White House, dated 2015, and 2014. Not that they were not there then, but why are they popular as front page stories now, in 2020?

Words to the wise, please be careful what you read.

Why would an allegiance of let us say a random terror group siding with a non-terror recognized government and ally of the US, suddenly be plastered all over the US portion, English language, Internet, in critical times?

MEK, according to one source, is alleged to have masterminded the road IED bomb attack the injured the General Harold Price, back near the era or in the era of the Iran and Iraq War. (Reference: Sold Out? US Foreign Policy, Iraq, the Kurds, and the Cold War. Authors: Gibson, Bryan R. (reference has not been verified with scrutiny))

This goes to show you, that like sandbags at the Capitol, and many other historical points, there are events from the past that could or should shape the present and future, however, changes are always ongoing, and sometimes it may be difficult to reach back into a cache of knowledge from that long back and assert it to be applicable now, or if one did not know at all, no shame in that, there may be other matters to study, as long as relevant other matters are being studied.

MEK, otherwise known as the Mujahideen Khalq Organization, People's Mujahideen of Iran, PMOI, or MKO.

MEK according to popular online sources that give overviews of history and organizations, is alleged to be involved with the overthrow of the Shah, and are in conflict with the Ayatollah regime. Why both? And if there is a 'both' situation, shouldn't that be a red flag that we should be careful of what we read? In the background, the two sides for illustration sake, is Shah in power, then comes Ayatollah. [Then] What is MEK doing?

MEK was around since 1965, and got their 'start' [according to some websites on the web now] pulling the carpet on the Shah and overthrowing, which was when?, basics, roughly 1979.

Some sources say the MEK is a combination of militant, Islamic, and Marxist. Well according to Islam rules, if you pick Islam, then you have to drop the other two. Hence, the combination is an oxymoron. The only way you can get away with it, is culling Islam teachings out of what Marx was preaching, and if you did that, there would be no need to state Marxism.

A few notes about spelling, Mujahideen is spelled a bunch of different ways, at it is a transliteration. Mujahideen in conversational meaning at basic meaning, is someone or a group that engages in jihad, note the word jihad is a part of the longer word. Mujahideen as a word became popular in US media and press during the Afghan resistance to Russia especially in the early 1980s. As clear, the term mujahideen does not have a trademark on it, where it is exclusive to a one particular group at a particular time and place. Now there is a group Mujahideen, Mojahiden, and other spellings, to describe the MEK group. 

Here is a recent article that might be good reading to have in hindsight for going forward, whatever that may be comprised of: 
'will Twitter remove the MEK Bots disinfo, according to the new policy?'
Twitter hoards ministry-of-truth powers, making rules on ‘manipulated’ images with loopholes to ban anything
Russia today February 8, 2020 from Nejat Society website, seen in Google search results on the subject]

Let us see what news stories and historical writings about various different militant groups come up and get taken down over the next few weeks.

The bottom line, is put forth the best effort to be as knowledgeable on the issues as possible.

When anything helps. Everything can help.

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All automatic computer site generated time stamps directly below article title on all webpages in HCN, are on Greenwich Mean Time. There might be occasions especially at night where the story is written in E.S.T., on a date one day prior than the GMT date.


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