Officer Slain in Maryland Today and a Straight Talk Discussion

Posted by HCN on Tuesday, May 22, 2018
Article started May 21, 2018, EST before midnight

The situation that evolved earlier today, is one that has gone beyond the limits and the boundaries of what is tolerable by so far, it is with deep indignancy that this commentary fused with information is written.

First, we are one country, we the United States.
Sure it is true there are jurisdictional boundaries set for the purpose of purview and effective strategies for addressing situations.  There are some things that are being said here right now, that are in the slant of light of us being one country.

Posted on our HCN Google Plus page just minutes ago:
HCN commentary: Personal opinions, we try to leave out this newspaper; however, as surely many feel outrage at this moment, as yet, another, and we say another slowly and carefully because each life is valuable, another police officer in the Baltimore City/Baltimore County region, these two locales border each other, has been slain; let it be said, last Saturday morning, a posting with comments was made about a purse snatcher being a menace to a shopping area of the Staten Island Mall in the New Springville area of New York, and that there could be more to it than just a young guy stealing purses.  It is precisely the sort of incident that has transpired in Baltimore County today, where multiple persons are being sought in connection to the murder of an officer, that the sort of behavior as trite as it might seem on the surface, when a person or possibly persons engaging in criminal activities manage to continue going on performing more crime, it could in reality be a much more serious situation.

Resuming the commentary, a few months ago, November 15th, 2017, in Baltimore City, not even a half hour's drive from where the officer was slain oday in Towson/ Perry Hall region of Baltimore County, was Detective Sean Suiter.  A trained male detective reportedly shot by his own gun.  Logic holds that a person or persons with the ability to do this, had some kind of skill or upper-hand advantage in the area of assaulting that enabled them to do so.  One of the aspects of what is being pointed out is the suspect or suspects is still at large.

So now we, especially pertinent to the Mid-Atlantic region, have three situations occurring within the past seven months that leave suspects at large:
  • Detective Sean Suiter, Baltimore City, Maryland
  • Name yet to be released, female officer, Baltimore County, today, May 21, 2018
  • 'Purse snatchers', Staten Island area of New York, May 17th thereabout, 2018
There are other police officers that have been slain since November 2018, however, this discussion is being limited in scope, as unfortunately, there is a long continuum of situations that require being addressed.

That is not all.  The manner which the officer in Perry Hall/ Towson area was assaulted today, is absolutely disgraceful upon the guilty party.  One, a female, was a target of bodily injury.  That is not included in the culture of the United States, and it is not going to start.  Secondly, injury due to a firearm upon a member of law enforcement is a situation that needs to be addressed.  [Update May 22, 2018, the officer might not have been shot, but been the one that discharged the firearm amid the incident.]  Vehicular assault, in simpler words, using a vehicle with wheels, to do bodily harm, is a situation.  The combination of these two manifests an extreme disrespect for humanity.  [Update May 22, 2018, even just one or the other, with or without a combination of the two, remains the described disrespect.]  Behavior like that, even without witnessing the event can cause psychological harm in different ways to different persons among us. 

The frame of mind that leaves room for abhorrent behavior witnessed today, has to be uprooted.  Talking to the youth among us in their early stages of life with guidance that makes sense is a step in that direction.

Aggressive driving with Jeeps and other larger vehicles has been problematic to varying levels over the past few decades at least.

Thus far, it appears that the officer that was assaulted today was shot, [May 22, 2018 update; she might not have actually been shot,] then a jeep was used to do some kind of bodily harm, which came first, or whether they were concurrent, or one was an attempt, is not clear here yet; in some ways is does not matter.

Because we are one country, and that for every minute that time passes after an incident where a suspect is at large, is that the suspect here, minimal expectation for a start is finding the jeep vehicle involved, needs to be captured on an as soon as possible basis, wherever it may be.  There is only but so many jeeps produced, and with license plates in whichever state it had on it.  Any other unique identifying aspects of the vehicles, such as tire rim design, to how high the vehicle is raised off the ground, manufacturer of accessories, should and can be used.  Cameras on arteries that emanate from the point of incident might help.

Baltimore County is working on repairing itself after the loss of a recent County Executive.  While vulnerable, struck upon the County is the tragedy of today.  The emergence of suspects at large must be stomped out.

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All automatic computer site generated time stamps directly below article title on all webpages in HCN, are on Greenwich Mean Time. There might be occasions especially at night where the story is written in E.S.T., on a date one day prior than the GMT date.


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