Mrs Ivana Trump Recognized

July 21, 2022
Mrs. Ivana Trump, remembered especially for enviable presentment, July 2022.
She was a wife of President Donald Trump.

Renown Country Singer Judd Honored by Daughters

May 2, 2022
Known as Naomi Judd, having slate set aside to appear in the Country Music Hall of Fame, appearance in person preempted just before, daughters, famed in their own right, presented honor.
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Lunar Calendar Handling Sometimes Uncomfortable in DC and Surrounding MD, VA Suburbs, Baltimore Area Corridor

April 15, 2021
This is in the statements and comments section.
It is in gray area.
Comment set forth in the hope of collective high and higher conditions, and betterment, as applicable.

Whereat, with new technology such as graphics of the earth's orbit and appearance of lunar timelines down to fractions of a second available free to the public, changes naturally will occur in the future.

Room for improvement, or adjustments are bound to be, to specify exactly the condition is difficult, given the many intention...
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A Few Thoughts to Refer to Larry King

February 4, 2021
Published February 3, 2021 EST

Years from now, kids in classes or classrooms far and wide might ask, who was Larry King?
If I were standing in front of them, words as of today, I would say:
He is considered by many to be a staple in the American fabric, for the reason that he helped form views and perspectives on a large scale, that contributed to the shaping of the places that it, and many places got to be.
He had a television show, and radio show, or a combination, the details do not matter muc...
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A Wheel Somewhere in the Skies and Progress to Be Made Ahead

January 6, 2021
Late afternoon January 6, 2021, EST

To say something instead of nothing, at times could have wisdom. Originally, my first action was to say nothing and build further on knowledge. However, time may be of the essence to improve the health and welfare of some those amongst us, especially suffering from coronavirus. Maybe this piece of writing can help with that.

What happened in the past week, included the coming of a new solar year, and the passing of the son of Maryland Congressman Raskin who m...
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The Farewells for Diego Maradona May Take a Turn to Legacy

November 25, 2020
Remembering Diego Maradona, back in the 1980s, amazing soccer skills, sometimes leaving wonder as to how the feats were actually done.
To many soccer, athletic, and team fans, he will stand out. 
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Egypt President Al Sisi and India Prime Minister Modi Hold Discussion on Combatting Coronavirus

May 26, 2020
The drawn out discussion about developing multiple layers of protection from coronavirus, and sharing with other nations of the world as we contend with the 'coronavirus army', in much the same way of exchanging knowledge and assistance with military allies to fend off from global threats historically, will be held off a little longer until more information is in.

Meanwhile, it was found, PM Modi and Egypt President Al Sisi, have communicated on the combatting coronavirus matter, the details c...
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Will Coronavirus Hang On?

April 23, 2020
Imagine, think, see, a million years in the past, down a very simple linear trajectory, then from where we are now, a million years the same type of trajectory into the future. At some point, in the past and future, the coronavirus contended with now, probably just does not exist. There could be a number of reasons.
On the short term, it is foreseeable, that the coronavirus pandemic of late 2019 early 2020, and ramifying closures, will probably start to wane out right around the time the lunar...
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Misinformation, Disinformation, Arabia, Persia, Middle East Together or in Parts, MEK, in Start of 2020 Discussed :Pre-Commentary

February 9, 2020
February 8th 2020, evening, EST

With a new generation of leaders and prospective leaders, the U.S., must be careful in how we integrate information into our decision making process, considering that social media and online news sources have huge amounts of content, some true, some false, some mixes of the truth with falsehood and nationalism goals of entities or countries which may or may not entirely exist. U.S. new generation.. has to be careful that there is so much information out there in...
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Pins and Needles on the Arabian Peninsula and Surrounding Region, Last Third of September

September 21, 2019
Written and published evening of September 20th, 2019 EST

It's not yet 10 days past the 18th year of September 11th tragedies that struck the U.S.
The U.S. is serious about protecting our homeland.
And, serious about protecting our allies.
The U.S. military has had a presence in Saudi Arabia before and in recent years, reference the War with Iraq, late 1980s and onward. That war is remembered as gaining a lot of the early momentum during the reign of Iraqi ruler Saddam Hussein.
Then, and regards t...
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All automatic computer site generated time stamps directly below article title on all webpages in HCN, are on Greenwich Mean Time. There might be occasions especially at night where the story is written in E.S.T., on a date one day prior than the GMT date.


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