Pins and Needles on the Arabian Peninsula and Surrounding Region, Last Third of September

Posted by Headline Crest News Statements on Saturday, September 21, 2019
Written and published evening of September 20th, 2019 EST

It's not yet 10 days past the 18th year of September 11th tragedies that struck the U.S.
The U.S. is serious about protecting our homeland.
And, serious about protecting our allies.
The U.S. military has had a presence in Saudi Arabia before and in recent years, reference the War with Iraq, late 1980s and onward. That war is remembered as gaining a lot of the early momentum during the reign of Iraqi ruler Saddam Hussein.
Then, and regards to stories of potential attacks on the Kaaba, the 'House of Allah' in Mecca, over thousand years ago, and maybe now, there are individuals that exist that maintain a position that high powered weapons in the region near the two most holy places in Islam, the Kaaba and the holy site in Medinah, is a sensitive situation.
There are concerns that if drones can be fired and hit oil refineries, what is stopping drones from being fired to hit holy sites? The only thing stopping them besides failures or capacity limitations of the projectiles themselves, are ideologies, ideas, mental and philosophical ideas, summarily, what is in a person's mind, soul, and attitude.
That seems to be one of the prevailing rationales for announcing that U.S. troops are being sent to Saudi Arabia subsequent recent aerial projectile weaponry striking the refineries in eastern Saudi Arabia last weekend; that stability being bolstered in region is a substantiated must.
When the U.S. was in Saudi Arabia during the War with Iraq, not much was heard in the way of any accidental misfirings, or break-away AWOL [absent without leave] aberrant anomalies, unusual behavior contrary to mission without permission, which could have affected the locations and populations of significance in Saudi Arabia.
Of course the Muslim world would want it to stay as so. Especially those that feel that big weapons in the region simply make them nervous.
Here upon the world now, is a situation where there is an entity or entities of some sort that have been a recurrent nuisance in the Arabian region, including surrounding waters, and pertinently the Persian Gulf. Drones, missiles, or some kind of unattractive aerial projectile weaponry have made their way into striking oil refineries in the eastern region of Saudi Arabia last weekend; attacks on tankers earlier this summer while passing through the Strait of Hormuz, and other activities, plus a report saying that Iran has backed Houthis in Yemen (as Houthis have been in strife with Saudi recently), and there are reports that Iran has in perhaps the catchword of the moment, 'contributed' in different forms to the proxies that have made the unwelcome attacks. Keep in mind the general layout of the region, with Saudi the big land mass in the middle, to the east of it is the Persian Gulf, and to the east of the Persian Gulf is Iran. To the south of Saudi Arabia, is Yemen, where the Houthis seem to be predominantly coming from, at least in regard to reported attacks on Saudi sites in the past several years. On the Arabian peninsula are other countries as well, such as Oman, UAE, and others.
The end result of all the aggressive activity in the region, is Saudi, a major ally and business partner with the U.S., and known as a level-headed peace-loving country, is susceptible to possible attacks, geographic positioning in consideration. Respective to Saudi, Iran is to the east, Houthis to the south, terror groups such as ISIS and Al-Qaeda might make it in from the regions at their north to right around the beginning of northwestern borders, and pirates, vagabonds, rogues, terrorists, money seekers, trophy hunters, etc., in waters we know obviously to be reported in the east in those waters in around the Persian Gulf, and common sense is be cognizant of waters to the west in Red Sea as well.
The hard part comes when the relations between everyone in the Middle East and the U.S. and Russia, are examined. How does Russian leader Putin feel about what is going on right now? If we do not know right this second, within a few days, the world is likely going to hear through news Russia's position on what is going on with respect to Iran, similar to hearing about their position regarding Syria in recent years. Meanwhile, U.S.-Russia relations have been on a positive upswing in many areas. The Cold War is over. Two large countries in the U.S. and Russia may have had tense moments here and there since. How is the international relations picture going to shape up over the next few weeks? Half friend, whole friends, are any friendships broken at all?, might be up for hot news topics.
We might hear that all parties that want to get to the bottom of who the belligerents are in the Middle East, and they might not be who everyone is pointing they are now. When the tankers were struck back just before the second week of June, 2019, Japanese parties pointed to indications that there were entities that could be responsible that were inconsistent with earlier findings.
Regardless of findings, who shot missiles, drones, makeshift gadgetry formed in some secret dungeon, the fact that entities are present in the region shooting projectiles in region of Saudi Arabia and striking targets, cannot be a fact that maintains existence.
It is all about the truth at this point, whoever is shooting the missiles is being asked to cease the activity, whoever it was or is, is whoever it was or is.
Today is 10 days past the 10th of the month of Muharram, a day recognized by everyone in the Muslim World as having significance, in parenthesis, not just Shia. This is said here, for two reasons. First, aggression between to Muslim Nations is extremely disliked by the Muslim World, and the dislike is naturally amplified when set beside that particular day.  Secondly, because there are news reports emerging about Hezbollah, and them being a major Shia party, and them saying such and such a status as being able to accomplish this or that in a case of tensions between Iran and Saudi. Many individuals in the Muslim World, especially in the Middle East, that understand the dynamics in relations between Shias, and for basic illustration, those who do not necessarily call themselves Shia, know that some of the stories emerging in the English speaking world news sites are suited for the trash because some of the dynamics in relations embedded in these news stories do not even exist.
The 10th of Muharram, number ashura as number ten in Arabic, essentially, hence Ashura Day, when Shia, at least, observe the day, remember descendants of notable individuals that were from what is in modern day Saudi Arabia. Questions are immediately asked, is an austere aggressive attitude by Iran to Saudi Arabia a clean-cut reality? Probably not a whole-chop simplistic yes or no, is closer to reality.
And Hezebollah; is the history on anything and everything that has ever been referred to as Hezebollah, Hezebullah, choose a transliteration, always referred to a 'Shia faction'?
Schemers stirring up trouble in region, that are acting on their own ambitions, and have nothing to do with, -although they may claim to, or look it from the prima facie-, any of the nations and governments involved with the whole quagmire, the US, Iran, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Oman, UAE, never to be left out the realm of possibilities.
Anyway, here comes tensions that involve Iran and Saudi Arabia, just after the 10th of Muharram. In some ways, 'that's weird'. In some ways that's disappointing, that the Arab World and Muslim World has that level of break-up.
Everyone in the Muslim World that has a clean soul and thoughts about peace in the region of Arabia, might be discomforted by a cauldron brewing up in the region.

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