The Breadbasket of America is Not the Same Anymore, Here Come Drugs and Crime

Posted by HCN on Saturday, April 15, 2017
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We, the USA, cannot get so caught up in a a mission in the Middle East, or Far East, or a relatively tiny aspect of some huge amalgam of a country that has had a government for 5500 years or longer, and virtually neglect important matters right here in the Nation's borders, as well as international relations in less publicized regions.

What is going on right now, and what is apt, includes, crime in Chicago, Illinois, and New York City, the same place where the Trade Center towers came down over 15 years ago that sparked the fire to take serious action to suppress terrorism, crime in those cities that has taken off to the point that it has almost run away from being able to be controlled again.  Especially violent crime, needs to be put back into some kind bag and reduced in size on an as soon as possible basis.  Of course many thanks go out to the folks that have worked tirelessly for that cause.

What is also apt, and startling at the pace of its emergence, are the drug and narcotics crimes going on in the breadbasket regions of the U.S., that for so many years was the safe place to escape to, rural areas where 1 or 2 crimes in as many years was an anomaly.  It is not the case any more.  News stories in those local areas are being saturated with stories such as high school aged kids have gained access to all kinds of lethal narcotics, and are literally either killing each other or killing themselves the result.

And in California, in the past few months, numerous, literally, numerous stories have been published on news stories online, about really strange and gruesome events such as matricide, patricide, by blood family members attacking each other.  There are so many of these news stories, it is almost impossible to keep track of them all on one newspaper.  Sudden events such as teenage boy walks out of the house holding the severed body part of his mother that he just took the life of, instead of a headline grabber that should be censured, is now almost the expected norm, occurring at a frequency of the number of bumper to bumper car dings on a rainy day.  Moreover, many of those developments, involving family members critically attacking each other, do not happen over not, or a spur of the moment, they are often the product of an ongoing development, that could have been intervened and prevented.

So, homeland security strategies have been developed to ultimately, keep the homeland safe.  If the homeland is not safe in regard to what our own citizens are doing to each other, then we fall short of the ideal and overall objective.

Tags: matricide  overseas intervention  violence among citizens  homeland security total mission 

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