The Trend of Disrespect Toward the President of The United States by its Citizens Contrasts the Level Respect Given to Thailand King Bhumibol Adulyadej by its Citizens

Posted by HCN on Wednesday, November 8, 2017
The title is enough said.

The Trend of Disrespect Toward the President of The United States by its Citizens Contrasts the Level Respect Given to Thailand King Bhumibol Adulyadej by its Citizens

For those who do not understand: The ongoing trend of newspaper article after article, insinuating, implying, and even outright disrespecting the current President of the United States is an outrage, it is a shame, it brings down morale, and there are highly likely legal boundaries being encroached.

Abuse of Freedom of Speech.

Gestures such as lunging at the leadership as if to say here is everything summed up and assert that a lunge is appropriate, might not be as befitting as it seems for the moment; finger gestures as the motorcade passes by, another blunder.

There could be numerous instances of disrespect that could be cited, lately a lot of it has come in the form of sarcasm.  

There may be some Americans that cannot fathom the depth of the tradition involved with the tribute and ceremony to King Bhumibol Adulyadej.

It has been about a year since his death was announced, and it was within several weeks that culminating celebrations were performed, with invitees of dignitary status from around the world.

Reflecting upon that, then compare the everyday regularly recurring disrespect to the leadership of the United States, it is nearly night and day.

Perhaps a primary concern is, the trend of disrespect is setting in and if not already taken root, is taking root as a behavioral mode, superficial in basis.

Unfortunately, it presents itself that the referent trendiness of disrespect at the leadership started up before Trump, as news sources were engaged in the activity during the Obama years.

This does not refer to a cartoon caricature here and there, this refers the outright brazen vociferous, bold, affronts to the leadership that go on and on, instigate, and promulgate more of the same.

Groundrules are, you do not have to like the leader, you do not have to agree with every word of a policy position, however, it is important that staying within reasonable bounds is maintained.

When pre-school kids ridicule their bus driver that strains to transports them safely, it is not the balance of scales, when they are not capable of performing the task of driving; leading a country is a major undertaking, and the upholding the balance of scales transcends.

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All automatic computer site generated time stamps directly below article title on all webpages in HCN, are on Greenwich Mean Time. There might be occasions especially at night where the story is written in E.S.T., on a date one day prior than the GMT date.


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