Timeline of Major Events the U.S. Underwent in the Past 30 days Includes Some of the Most Catastrophic in History

Posted by HCN on Thursday, October 5, 2017
Early September 2017, Hurricane Harvey hit Texas, and had devastating effects.
Within weeks a few other hurricanes arrived, devastating areas of Florida, and Puerto Rico.
A few players on NFL teams performed some awkward acts upon the National Anthem, in evidently what was a protest against what they contend to be racial profiling by law enforcement which they contend to result in detriment to those that could loosely be described as African American.
An individual that has reports that he was a former Naval member, with a history of psychological challenges, is gunned down by a police officer on the outside premises of a 7-11; the incident may raise questions as to whether or not other shootings that involved African Americans were isolating an aspect of the suspect or victim that got shot, in solely and in all cases, their 'racial class' or 'description'.
In Las Vegas, during a festival or concert on the Strip, October 2017 begins with a shooting of the magnitude it took over the front pages of many news sources, pushing out the national anthem situation from the limelight.  More recently, political rallying is underway to mitigate the mass shootings becoming possible such as through limitations on bullet feed facilitators.

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All automatic computer site generated time stamps directly below article title on all webpages in HCN, are on Greenwich Mean Time. There might be occasions especially at night where the story is written in E.S.T., on a date one day prior than the GMT date.


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