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Heat Perceivable in Dialogue Between Russian and Belarus Over Tax Maneuver Respective Oil and Gas Industry

Posted by HCN on Thursday, December 27, 2018,
Recently, apropos heads of the two nations, Belarus and Russia, have stated their exchanges of rebuts and or statements, regarding what can be described in English as a tax maneuver, in the framework of oil and gas.

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St Petersburg Sees Early Stages of Possibly Being Targeted for Acts of Terror

Posted by HCN on Thursday, December 28, 2017,
In a market in northwestern St Petersburg within recent hours an explosive device of some sort comprised of literally no more than a cup of substance exploded resulting in about ten persons injured.

Salient occurrence is that it was about ten days ago that Russian President was thanking the U.S. President for successfully assisting in preempting what could have been a disastrous act of terror.

Thus far, we hope it is left as thus far and no more, what has been witnessed at popular media levels,...
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Russia Leader Broader Base. Receives Discontent from Some Protesters

Posted by HCN on Wednesday, June 12, 2013,
Excerpt, "Mr. Putin took the reins of the All-Russia People’s Front at its founding congress on Tuesday. The Front, set up two years ago as a loose umbrella organisation for 2,500 pro-Kremlin groups, will now have a governing body, structure and regional branches. Taking leadership of the People’s Front Mr. Putin has further distanced himself from the ruling party, United Russia, which has largely become discredited as a party of corrupt bureaucracy. Two years ago Mr. Putin handed o...
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