An Article Published in India Online News Site Covers a Lot of Ground in Few Words

Posted by HCN on Sunday, September 18, 2016
The article titled '9/11: The Impact 15 Years On', published in renown online paper NDTV, found at link <>, discusses many major points in views about the tragedy.  The article is fairly well-written, and it shows that in other nations, there are many people that have been affected by the tragedy.  The article that appears in English seems to be written in a manner that appeals to an 'audience of regular masses', partially in that there are many buzz words and catch-phrases that have been repeatedly discussed in the aftermath of the 9-11 tragedy, which in the Indian news article, those phrases were not expounded on all that much in terms of their contexts; anyhow, an article worth reading upon an interest in seeing what news sites are running from outside the U.S.

Each year we learn more, and each day hopefully we rise to a new and better level, therewith, this blog leaves room for what is in the future of whatmay be seen about the tragedies of September 11th 2001

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