Lance Superpoison Incident Mirrors Some Aspects of Anthrax Incident Which Mirrors Some Aspects of COVID-19...

Posted by HCN | 9-11 Blog on Monday, September 14, 2020
Hopefully, as the ellipsis in the title after COVID-19 is intended to imply, incidents of the sort stop there.
Today, despite my yearning not to delve into the world of decadence, there is no other alternative but to discuss part of what is behind bringing up the Lance Superpoison developments that happened back in 1977.

To start, when using the Google search engine, before this article was written, there are no search results for Lance superpoison or drug cutting incident that refer to the one being talked about. This is a serious mark, and everyone knows why. Mainly, because Google has so much information in their data centers, it is nearly beyond conception the effort to store it, with locations around the globe, and millions of servers, nevermind the sheer volume of information that has and gets uploaded. This includes decadent information, saliently, younger generations, for conversation, between the ages of 17 and 27, that have found using their physical bodies a tool that they take to the Internet as their safe haven. It is very unfortunate that the actual 'what' it is that many of them are doing, do not actually constitute, said euphemistically, any physiological or biological activity that amounts to anything. Not healthy, not educating, not helping, and eventually not economically contributing. They are, however, hurting themselves, and hurting others, both the others involved with what they are doing in whatever video they are producing, and hurting youth that view the mind-harming material.

One of the biggest matters behind the totality of everything being discussed here is education.

Among the reasons, the what it is that are being videod, for example, in dingy abandoned office basements in New York, display lack of education.

Moreover, instead of taking time out, and getting educated, a number of individuals in the US, are growing up not knowing the most simple basics that will be needed to protect themselves and protect others.

The Lance Superpoison incident, has not yet even made the millions of articles and videos uploaded to Google, it is now 2020. Perhaps if it had been, it could have been used by students to help their analytical processes as to how to assist in a more strongly defended America post the September 11th attacks.

It might have to be, increased intervention from top levels of government has to take place to redirect younger generations from the digressions they went veering off to.

There are too many different thoughts to place them all here at once.
A few of them include, the Space Force, was born, in this Administration. Whereat, how many Americans, under age 20, whether schooled at high levels or not, can list without any source such as a textbook or online device, 7 descriptions of each planet that set them apart from the others? 

An overarching question then is, in regard cultivation, education, and development of the youth going into adulthood, are we pacing for the level of preparedness ideal for the future?

Taking those steps, is for the best.


Some day, an easy to be found definition or narrative might be written and uploaded onto the Internet, say in an educational 'pedia' platform. In brief, crediting the book More Misinformation, c. 1980, by T. Burnam, in Portland, Oregona journal titled the Oregon Journal in February of 1977, wrote about a series of developments that involved a tip to police in Killeen, Texas that made way to Arizona Customs Service border investigator, then to St. Louis, about Lance, a substance that was reputed to be highly lethal, so lethal that a mere smell or straight exposure to the substance could be the cause of major damage or even death. Lance was then being used, keep in mind, over 42 years ago, to cut narcotic drugs such as heroin and cocaine, two drugs that are still prevalently being abused today and problematic to society. In the summary about Lance, County officials were warned that Lance may have been getting mailed to government offices.

It is there, a startling almost mirroring ascertainment arises, the anthrax incident, which emerged about 3 weeks after September 11th, 2001. Anthrax causing bacteria was reportedly found in mailings to government offices.

How is COVID-19 a possible reflection? Because COVID-19, spinning off from coronavirus which was discovered and chronicled by government at least as far back as the 1980s, involves tiny particles much like anthrax. Anthrax is the sickness, caused by bacteria. COVID-19, is the sickness, caused by coronavirus. Some level of mirroring exists there.

Meanwhile, there are many questions about the repercussions of coronavirus, in impact on the economy, and smooth operation of government.

Circling back to education, imagine if the CDC, Centers for Disease Control, was 10 times broader, more powerful, and more knowledgeable today, than it is now? It might be that COVID-19 might not have the kind of devastating effects it has had. We are now over 6 million reported cases and heading toward 7 million cases, and over 190 thousand deaths.

On September 11th, 2001, there were many deaths that took place very close together; COVID-19 has had deaths in a far greater number, but not as close together.

We have to have youth growing up, with goals in their minds that contributing to the public good is something that they must and will do. The CDC in the future, that could be 50 times enhanced, and many institutions, already existent, and yet to be, done so with the help of upcoming youth being educated, needs to be here, that is within the direction, of maintaining the model economy, the police of the world, and the most technology advanced nation, safest to live in. 

Written and published the evening of Sunday September 13, 2020 EST

Each year we learn more, and each day hopefully we rise to a new and better level, therewith, this blog leaves room for what is in the future of whatmay be seen about the tragedies of September 11th 2001

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