The Darkness Behind The 9-11-2001 Tragedy

Posted by HCN on Tuesday, September 6, 2022
It's a few days ahead of 9-11, 2022, 21 years later, over 2 decades, but just a few seasons as the fight for continual betterment continues. As much as there was a want to stay silent, there was some information come across recently that shouts to speak outstripping silence. Before it gets away:
Question automatically is asked, what was the 9-11 incident about, when it is found out that after 9-11, visits to the town of Maalula drastically dropped?
What is the significance of Maalula, a transliteration among others?
Maalula, according to most websites, is a town, city, or village in Syria, that is one of several, that still have Aramaic their local tongue.
What is the significance of Aramaic? Generally and briefly, that is the spelling in today's modern English that refers to the root family of languages whose name is similar to that in modern Arabic and Syriac, which it is often said that the language was prevailing in the region of where Prophet Isa, Jesus, spelling variations, was in his days when the revelations he is known for came, in gist the Injeel, Gospel, and for brevity The Bible in context.

In the Quran, which Muslim follows basically, it says, knowing the Torah, Injeel, and Quran is essential to knowing what you are talking about.

Understanding Injeel, Gospel, Bible, seems to be easier if access to understanding it is around.

Something is markedly causing this access to shrivel up. A set or series of events, as if planned, to interfere with the process of keeping valuable knowledge. The cause effect chain of reactions seemed to have been calculated, and for whomever is on the left perpetrating it, it might be working for them.

The issue of reduction of visits to Maalula, natives leaving the region, and language at risk of dying out, is not the only sign that there was negative darkness involved in the perpetration of 9-11.

The many lies and twisted trickery propagated about the language groups and relations that have extended out even to right here on the same soil that 9-11 took place on, starts to be exposed when Aramaic is studied.

Who is it from the west of the Kingdom of Suleyman that wishes to continue to survive as an evil doer when there is hardly any room for evil? Whatever that is may have something to do with many evils that have persisted over the past century.

It does not like the spirit of honorable US soldiers.

Evil in the flesh.

At that, evil in the flesh is obviously skin tone blind.

It is not lineage, but inner goodness, that should be judged, the axioms on those lines.

This post will be refined over the next few days. There are harsher words to choose from.

There are references to the prison camps during the Nazi era. 

Exposed and culled out, persons going well beyond bounds for just warfare.

Persons in the Arab World that perpetrated torture, reference young girls kept in cages, post year 2020.

Persons identified as African American right here in the USA that coldly kill African American teenagers scores at a time, nearly every day, over what might be, microscopic amounts of poppy plant derivatives, that thing called drugs.

There is more on the list. Different appearance, root evil about the same.

An enemy to the US, and to the earth.

Circling back to perhaps some light, languages and letters, Aramaic and ramifications all the way to India, and possibly even further spanning far reaches of the globe.

Each year we learn more, and each day hopefully we rise to a new and better level, therewith, this blog leaves room for what is in the future of whatmay be seen about the tragedies of September 11th 2001

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