Tajikistan Shake-ups While Afghan-Tajik Border Crime Concerns Present and Military Pullouts and Prolongations Near

Posted by HCN on Friday, December 6, 2013
A roundup of articles and excerpts of matters related to Tajikistan at or near the forefront, somewhat current, as most developments reflect articles dated in late November 2013:

Tajikistan ratifies deal allowing Russian troops to remain in country on Afghanistan's border
Published October 01, 2013
Associated Press

DUSHANBE, Tajikistan –  The parliament of Tajikistan has voted to extend the presence of Russian troops in the ex-Soviet nation on Afghanistan's northern border until 2042.

Source, full story: http://www.foxnews.com/world/2013/10/01/tajikistan-ratifies-deal-allowing-russian-troops-to-remain-in-country-on/

U.S. says may pull out all troops as Afghan leader holds up deal

KABUL/WASHINGTON Tue Nov 26, 2013 7:06am EST
See story: http://www.reuters.com/article/2013/11/26/us-afghanistan-usa-idUSBRE9AP03J20131126

Afghan drug dealer killed in crossfire on the Tajik-Afghan border
23/11/2013 18:26
Views: 2869

DUSHANBE, November 23, 2013, Asia-Plus – A special operation carried out by officers from the drug Control Agency (DCA) and the State Committee for National Security (SCNS) in the southern Khatlon province overnight on October 21-22 led to the seizure of a large amount of drugs.

Source, full story: http://news.tj/en/news/afghan-drug-dealer-killed-crossfire-tajik-afghan-border

Tajikistan's Long-Serving Defense Minister Replaced
November 22, 2013 - 5:14am, by Joshua Kucera

Tajikistan has replaced its long-serving minister of defense, Sherali Khairulloyev, raising questions as to whether President Emomali Rahmon intends to take the country's military and defense policy in a different direction...

The Dushanbe newspaper Asia Plus, in a roundup of the shakeups, has a helpful table, listing the "Tajikistan's most acute problems" and "who is answering for them." [See translation using Google translation tools of article below this one.]...

It's not yet known where Khairulloyev will go, but he is 65 and Asia Plus says that their sources say he will retire. He is famous in Tajikistan for being a prodigious drinker, and many have speculated that his health may have suffered as a result. Khairulloyev was the source of one entertaining U.S. diplomatic cable from 2006, when he hosted a going-away lunch for then-ambassador Richard Hoagland. At the meeting, Khairulloyev expounded on the need for the country to balance its military relations with other countries:

    Khairulloyev apologized several times for "misunderstandings and missed opportunities" in the past in U.S.-Tajik military relations. He asserted repeatedly that he expects an increasingly smooth and productive relationship. He said he has come to understand Tajikistan must have a number of equal partners, not just one [Russia], if it is to prosper.

Source, full story: http://www.eurasianet.org/node/67788

Rahmon team changes




Views: 5990

The president began the reform of the government over the past two days, he issued a decree on the creation of new departments, including the Ministry of Labour and Migration. And removed from their posts Tajik "heavyweights" - defense minister and first deputy prime minister.

What does this so suddenly began reform - the government waiting for a fundamental change or at this stage and all over?

FIRST, November 19, from the post was made ​​first vice-premier Matlubkhon Davlatov , the place which was appointed head Goskominvest  Davlatali Saidov . To the position of Chairman Goskominvest came  Kodiri Qosim takes up the post of chairman of Badakhshan.

November 20, the president issued a decree on the dismissal of Defense Minister Sherali Khairulloev . At its appointed in  Sherali Mirzo , who previously headed the Directorate General of border guards.

According to the press service of the President, the President thanked Khairulloev for excellent service, but where "left" the ex-minister, who has been in office since 1995, is unknown. According to some reports - to retire.

Meanwhile, was produced and several other personnel changes.

Thus, the head of Badakhshan was appointed  Shodihon Jamshed , who previously directed Shugnan region, was replaced by  Aziz Gieev,  which before served as deputy chairman of the region.

From the post of Rushan district of GBAO available  Kobilamo Gulomshoeva,  this post was taken  Khudoyor Khudoyorov , former Deputy Minister of Transport.

Today we know that the president left in place Interior Minister  Ramazon Rakhimov  and Chapter SCNS  Saimumin Yatimov.

Deputy Yatimov instead Sherali Mirzo became  Radzhabali Rahmonali , now ex-commander of the National Guard. He now heads the Committee of Border Troops. 

Commander of the National Guard by Colonel  Bobodzhon Dzhamolzoda , the former commander of a military unit Natsgvardii.

Recall ...,  November 18 the Government of Tajikistan in full force resigned. It is a common practice after the presidential election. According to the decree of the president, resigned the government members will serve until a new composition.


Changes can be expected?

Ok, team president left until only two "heavyweights" - and Sherali Davlatov Matlubkhon Khayrulloyev. But it is possible that in the near future they will get the other posts.

Not quite rosy estimated appointment deputy chairman of the National Security Committee Rahmonali Rajabali, who will head the border guards.

- A religious man, teetotal. Able to make arbitrary decisions, but in matters of border security can hardly be competent. Sherali Mirzo took 7 years to understand the specifics of the border, the same need and the new head of the Border Guards. Now, when the situation on the border is quite complicated due to the withdrawal of NATO troops from Afghanistan, the appointment may not be entirely true. Border troops should lead people owning situation inside knowing the specifics of. Time to lose may not be - according to observers.

Sherali Mirzo - the new defense minister - meanwhile described as good "warrior." He graduated from the Perm Higher Military Command School and worked all his life in the defense system.

- Just man. Temper never decides. This is a good candidate for the post of defense minister - is characterized by its experts.

In principle, observers quite critical about the new appointment. According to them, while there is only the old familiar shuffle "the deck."

- No significant changes yet - says journalist and political scientist Nur Dawlat. - As expected, remain the closest. Matlubkhon Davlatov gone, but he was replaced by his nephew. In the future, too, changes can be expected. As I said previously, the team eventually Rahmon to shrink the circle of close relatives. About any bet on the young can be no question, as the president does not want to look at the background of the young "old" leader. Many of the "old" it is to leave ...

Expect that after these changes are other reforms that positively affect the lives of the country, is not worth it, since none of his team can not make a decision without his knowledge. All decisions are made by the president himself, said N.Davlat.

However, the deputy chairman of the IRP Mahmadali Chait sure that it is time for the president must rely on young technocrats.

- It's time for Rahmon to part with his former team, which is far from the people, from their aspirations, thoughts and concerns. The President would have the future of the country to rely on young technocrats. For nearly twenty years, the team Rahmon and ruled their media showed people "showing off" ... Rahmon should conduct a serious reform of law enforcement, as in the country today, few believe in the rule of law, integrity of judges and prosecutors. He must reign in the coming period the country to ensure free, democratic and transparent elections in the country's parliament in 2015, to stop the practice of persecution of dissidents, opponents, religious leaders, representatives of the opposition parties and the release of persons persecuted for political reasons, such as Zayd Saidov. At the same time, I believe that the President of Tajikistan shall not serve any political party during his presidency, and must terminate its membership in any political party. If Rahmon in the coming period of his presidency, refuses to practice localism, hold the constitutional reforms, according to which the three branches of government will serve the people and not a group of people decides to many socio-economic problems, we can hope to reduce the tension in the society - the expert concluded.

According to political analyst Parviz Mullojonov over all was expected resignation of the Minister of Defense. He connects it with Khorog events in 2012.

- Ministry of Internal Affairs and National Security Committee Manual appointed relatively recently, and most likely this can be explained by the fact that Yatimov Rakhimov and remain at the helm - the expert believes.

According to the analyst, now there is only the first wave of personnel changes, followed by a second, in February - March, and the third - after the parliamentary elections. Only then can we draw final conclusions, to say which way will move the country's leadership.

- In general, the first personnel changes, we can conclude that this is not an update, it is just a permutation of frames. This suggests that in the near future the government will act in the same mode without using frames with reformist ideas, potential, - concluded Mullojanov.

Structural changes

MEANWHILE, concurrently with the personnel changes President reformed and governmental agencies. According to the decree of November 19, includes a number of structural changes in the system of central executive bodies.

In particular, it provides the transformation of the Ministry of Energy and Industry of the Ministry of Energy and Water Resources, Ministry of Education in the Ministry of Education and Science, the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Ministry of Labour, Migration and Employment, Ministry of Health of the Ministry of Health and Social Welfare.

Also: Department of Civil Service under the President - the Agency of State Service under the President, the State Committee of Land Management and Geodesy - the State Committee of Land Management and Geodesy, the Committee on Religious Affairs - Committee on Religious Affairs, streamlining national traditions, celebrations and ceremonies of the Government of the Republic Tajikistan.

Agency for Construction and Architecture under the Government of Tajikistan - the Committee for Architecture and Construction under the Government; General Directorate for state supervision of Safety in Industry and Mining in the Government - the same name in the Service.

Also: State Social Insurance Agency and the Ministry of Labour pensions and Social Security - in the State Social Insurance Agency and pensions to the Government.

The decree also provides for the creation of the Ministry of Industry and New Technologies, the Forestry Agency and the Agency for land reclamation and irrigation, both in the government.

Read more ... about what these changes in the structure of government, read the following numbers of "AP".

The most acute problems of Tajikistan. Who is responsible for them?http://news.tj/sites/default/files/grafik_r_ntvt_rnj_ljkty_eqnb.jpg


Reader Comments from the site "AP":

Farid: " We've been dreaming about what our homeland would be better, but, unfortunately, it is our dream. I'm sure any changes will not be! The entire economy of the country is controlled by clan, they're crazy, [to] step on your same interests. What they strong opposition and demanding people and intellectuals? They are satisfied with weak opposition, puppets "intellectuals", a poor and cowardly people. We can not demand their rights from the government, because we are afraid and ignorant ... "


NOZA: "Hope dies last! This is his last chance, gentlemen. Yes Allah help the Tajik people. Amen. "


Ashur: " Calm down! This is the traditional old school tactics will be rotated, castling, and we'll see again the familiar to us all "very cute and beautiful face."


Abdul: " And when the combine powers shadow government that actually governs the country? Never! "


Spitamen: « Dear President, it is time to put a chair intelligent youth! "


Voter: "Ur-ah! Finally, a miracle happened. And now let's have a referendum with only one question: "Do we really need such a composition of the government?" I think, about 90% will say "No!" "


[pictures from original article omitted due to technical challenges, however might be added later]

More current articles might be added later.

Initially published by HCN 12:45pm E.S.T. 12/6th/2013

Tags: tajikistan  2042  tajikistan-afghanistan border  military 


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