Perceived as a Coup or Effort of a Coup Currently Taking Place in Turkey July 15, 2016

Posted by HCN on Friday, July 15, 2016
An organized orchestration of usage of a range of military vehicles to perform certain maneuvers which is being perceived as a coup or an attempt at a coup, is in progress in the Istanbul and Ankara, Turkey area.
Lining up trucks perpendicular to the direction of traffic on bridges with soldiers in some kind of consistent uniform is in occurrence, for instance.
There are media reports that imply that it might be a coup against current Turkey President Erdogan.  Media reports also say Erdogan is safe, and the coup will be suppressed soon.  Comments exist in the media that the coup or similar effort is not just a hodgepodge of soldiers making a fleeting jab at the leadership, but a collection of minds with seasoned military experience.


Will tell you now, if the coup is unsuccessful, which it looks like it will be, meaning the coup or whatever maneuvering is being done, is suppressed, then whoever is involved in the activity, is going to be facing a severe penalty imposed by the legal system.

Furthermore, if the group claiming responsibility for the coup attempt also says that if they takeover that once they do they will maintain orderly international relations, how can that be guaranteed when they are currently demonstrating that they are prone to disarray or causing disarray, and they are willing to go outside of the orderly system for attaining power.  There is no guarantee that scenes closer to chaos with increased violence could emerge as the timeline continues.  These comments as of 7pm E.S.T.

Popular media in the United States do not appear to fully comprehend all of the dynamics involved in political tensions within Turkey; nor are subtleties of matters concerning Islam and religious tensions in Turkey fully understood.  In brief there are varying groups that have been struggling for political power; this while incidents of terror on smaller scales have been happening off and on over recent years, such as a political party office base was had a small bomb detonate in it.  Has it been clearly stated who and what political party is being represented through the 'coup effort' currently taking place?  is there a political party, if so, what is there alignment and loyalty, and what do they have to produce as substantiation that they will stand behind what they say if what they say is preservation of democracy?

Is what is going on what realistically can attain a successful coup in a time of prevalent computers, cellular phones, and social media?  Maybe 60 years ago in an a town in Africa especially if it was economically less developed, would a display of maneuvers using military vehicles not only be effective, but a successful method to leadership, and be recognized as leadership.  Today, citizens want to see legislation written which attests and has support of the people.  Turkey today is far from a set of villages from long ago, even then Turkey was well developed; standing over someone with a physical militant presence might not be enough to constitute the inward recognition of power shifts.

Tags: turkey  coup  fight  gunfire 

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