In Zaporizhzhia, Aspects of Trawniki Guards Repeat, and Door to Door Passport Enforcement

Posted by HCN on Tuesday, December 12, 2023
The past week has has 2 news stories that broke that are deeply concerning for the simple reason the ripple effect could be global, in ways beyond just hearing about in the news and protesting rallies.

Referent story 1:

Referent story 2:

Recap on the basics of what is referred to by Trawniki guards repeat (story 1), Ukrainians, among others, were said to have been used to kill their own in prison camps back in the Holocaust era. Although that was an era known for names like Hitler, from Germany, the situation now has obviously similar lines.

As far as the passport enforcement, it appears there are some representing the forces that are carrying out a mission in Ukraine that may be using a strategy that may loosely be described as engraving; that the intended result could be for instance, once Ukrainians acquiesce to having a Russia passport, that must be their own signature that they too have submitted to Russia being their authority in the relevant dimensions.
There is a caveat, the passport enforcement strategy, as well as others used by other nations over history, such as fealty to king, signing citizenship papers, paying taxes, and so forth, does not necessarily lock in nothing but the now it is the truth, and with no recourse for escape, as he entirety can be judged in international courts as a form of oppression. How successful will the passport surge be, well as what has happened before, there may be some minor successes, which usually come in the form of confusion about identities of persons years after the tension has ended. For example, a great grandchild thousands of miles away studying genealogy, may struggle for accurate information as to what country the forebear was from, especially if the historical context is not known.
In the late 1950s, the US was concerned over who was Communist and who was not, and heard court cases thereunto.

Reports are found that current methods involving threats for passports include deportation, withholding medicine, and losing their house and property rights. Evidently, soldiers are knocking on doors in the passport effort.

Some of these events are not new news, however, they seem to be slow to make their way around news stories here in America.

Published evening 12/11/2023 EST


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