Ukraine Gas and Oil: Agreements Heading into September 2013 Might Show Changes of the Picture

Posted by HCN on Wednesday, September 4, 2013
Gas | Ukraine

Google translation from Romanian to English:

Ukraine gas indulge in Romanian

Date: August 22, 2013 
Category: Live News
Topics: exports , natural gas , imports , Ukraine

Ukraine gas refinery gases indulge in RomanianUkraine hopes to sign an agreement in the fall of natural gas provision system inverse Slovakia and Romania, the Ukrainian Minister of Energy said Wednesday, Eduard Stavytskyi, send Interfax. 

"I am confident that in September we will sign an agreement with our partners in Slovakia, and in October we hope to sign an agreement with Romania," said Stavytskiy in a press conference.

Ukraine imports about 60% of its gas from Russia, but Kiev authorities are trying to reduce dependence on Russian natural gas. Ukraine already purchases natural gas from the German company RWE, and this gas is imported via Poland and Hungary show

Original article in Romanian:

Ucraina se deda la gazele romanesti

Data: 22 august 2013
Categoria: Stiri live
Subiecte: exporturi, gaze naturale, importuri, Ucraina

gaze naturale rafinarie Ucraina se deda la gazele romanestiUcraina speră să semneze în toamnă un acord privind furnizarea de gaze naturale în sistem invers cu Slovacia şi România, a declarat miercuri ministrul ucrainean al Energiei, Eduard Stavytsky, transmite Interfax. 

“Sunt încrezător că în septembrie vom semna un acord cu partenerii noştri din Slovacia, iar în octombrie sperăm să semnăm un acord cu România”, a declarat Stavytskiy într-o conferinţă de presă.

Ucraina importă aproximativ 60% din necesarul său de gaze naturale din Rusia, însă autorităţile de la Kiev încearcă să reducă dependenţa de gazele naturale ruseşti. Ucraina achiziţionează deja gaze naturale de la compania germană RWE, iar aceste gaze sunt importate via Polonia şi Ungaria, arată


Ukraine expects to sign agreement on supplies of gas from Romania in October
AUG 29, 2013
In October Ukraine expects to sign an agreement on supplies of natural gas from Romania, minister of energy and coal industry Eduard Stavytsky told a briefing.He reiterated that now gas from Europe to Ukraine comes via two routes: from Poland and from Hungary.

original article and source:


August 13th, 2013 2:27pm

European Union Provides €7 Million for Iasi-Ungheni Gas Pipeline

The European Union will provide 7 of the 26.5 million euros needed to construct the Iasi-Ungheni gas pipeline.

The EU contribution will be done via The Joint Operational Programme Romania – Ukraine – Republic of Moldova. The program provided the framework for the implementation of cross border activities in the context of the European Neighbourhood Policy, with the aim to prevent the emergence of new dividing linew between EU and its neighbours.

The Iasi-Ungheni pipeline will connect Romania and Moldova’s gas networks. Construction is expected to take 17 months. It will be 43.3 kilometers long, 32.8 of which on Romanian territory.

The main gas producers in Romania are the state owned company Romgaz Medias and OMV Petrom, owned by the Austria's group OMV. 


Oil | Ukraine

Exxon’s $735 Million Ukraine Pledge Shows Black Sea Zeal: Energy
Ladka Bauerova and Irina Savu Jul 12, 2013 8:16 am ET
July 12 (Bloomberg) -- Exxon Mobil Corp. is so confident of prospects in the unexplored Black Sea it will spend $735 million to drill just two deep-water wells off Ukraine’s coast.

The outlay comprises a $335 million signing bonus for Ukraine’s government and a promise to spend a further $400 million on seismic surveys and drilling two wells, according to an Energy Ministry official. After making a natural gas discovery in neighboring Romania that may flow fast enough to supply half of that country’s consumption, Exxon plans exploration in Bulgaria, Russia and Ukraine.

...In the past Ukraine was able to negotiate cheap gas prices because the only pipeline from Russia to western Europe ran across its territory. That bargaining position was lost after the 2011 completion of the Nord Stream pipeline that linked Russia directly with Germany via the Baltic Sea. The country imports about 55 percent of its gas consumption, most of it from Russia.

Tags: gas  oil  pipeline  romania  drilling  exxon  natural gas  lasi-ungheni  eu 


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