At Least 8 Law Enforcement Personnel Struck by Gunfire in Charlotte, NC

Posted by HCN on Monday, April 29, 2024
Developing story
As of 6:40pm EST information (subject to correction) gained from news sources thus far:

Who: At least 1, possibly 3 [update 11:30pm on 4/29/2024, there appears to be more; note that if hospitalizing occurs post/due to discharge of firearm, physiological effects may not completely manifest until varying times after that,] US Marshals killed, 5 officers shot. US Marshals Fugitive Task Force (were serving warrant).

Where: Charlotte, North Carolina - reports say 5000 block of Galway Drive; upon a residence suburban area

When: Climatic aspect about 2pm give or take about an hour EST April 29, 2024

What (Circumstances): Warrant being served
Ramifications: Suspect a fatality. Some of the gunshot victims still surviving are hospitalized, or conjecturably so.

Concerns: Who/what is behind the affront show of violence, blatant disregard for standards? There have been other incidents where warrants were being served, manhunt, occurring hostage situation, fugitive apprehension efforts, and situations in that vein, where Marshals and or officers have been shot and or killed, recent enough that it is in relevancy, such as past 6 years.
Evidently there was more than 1 person in the house where shots were reported to have emanated from at the time of the shooting.

More might be added as more information obtained


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All automatic computer site generated time stamps directly below article title on all webpages in HCN, are on Greenwich Mean Time. There might be occasions especially at night where the story is written in E.S.T., on a date one day prior than the GMT date.


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