Content of Popular News Headlines

Posted by HCN on Saturday, October 1, 2016
Has the criteria for the headlines changed all that much over the past 3 or 4 decades?  Maybe maybe not.  So much of the news now is online and computer driven, that some of the decisions being made are still human, while technology including with the help of social media, help us attain heights in amassing information in less time for news stories.  A slight downside to this could be some of the computer determined stories as to what goes on the forefront, perhaps calculated by number of viewers that will search for such and such a buzz word, is that sometimes what goes at the top of the page would be the last page of an old fashioned print newspaper 30 years ago.

The criteria of what is important in regard to news we, U.S. citizens should know about, is likely unanimously agreed upon is about the same as it has been since the Revolutionary War.  What is a threat to our lives and livelihood in order of biggest to least, unity of community, safety of our infrastructure, and major storms or droughts, economy related updates, still remains important.

Fortunately as of today, 2016, we see a few stories related to well-known political debates, and major crashes or disasters impacting hundreds of persons at a time; beyond that, top stories are often a mixed bag of entertainment news, or something that looks like an advertisement, like checkout this new hot way of saving money on your next purchase of light bulbs.

From a newspaper making money standpoint, perhaps what will bring in the most dollars is a singer 's dress that had a fault at the award ceremony, whereat the access of the pictures in the story might have a proportion of viewers -that help generate the income for the website- that are not even from the U.S., and certainly do not care whether 2 inches of rain hit John or Joe's farm in a town they never heard about.

A gloss-over of what the U.S. looks like per the hodg-podge on media-- is it carefully chosen, really, what we want us and others to think of us?-, or do only some of those older educated minds decision actually shape a computer age computer controlled stratum?

All in all, we have the technology, the technology to effectively utilize social media, picture and video sharing, drone picture capability, and yet to be determined technologies, to get to where we are now, it would be a glad tiding if when popular newspapers are pulled up online, when one only has a few minutes on a coffee break to view the top stories, to be able to see the 'top stories', as in what could potentiality affect the health and welfare of U.S. citizens the most, at the top, first, and in some cases, be able to find one or two major stories somewhere in the muddle of hundreds of webpages.

Tags: important news  trivial news 


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