Electromagnetic Technologies Among Others Might Shake-Up the Dynamics of ZEV Goals

Posted by HCN on Monday, November 11, 2013
Emulating China respective methodologies to attain cost effective solutions, has hit the agenda of many.  The Volkswagen People's Car Project, a system of electromagnetic cars that hover over roads, which currently there is a network of such roads to the extent that they are, as well as the Glide X 2020, is at the forefront of environmentally safer car and vehicle news. 

South Korea, in the city of Gumi, has a project, namely OLEV, where the buses travel in electromagnetic designated road lanes. [Source: npr online]
[Further information about the OLEV, Online Electric Vehicle, according to the India website, Deccan Chronicle, at page <http://www.deccanchronicle.com/130809/news-businesstech/article/first-world-south-koreas-hi-tech-electric-road-charges-buses>, is the Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, KAIST, has been developing the buses, which uses 'Shaped Magnetic Field in Resonance (SMFIR)' technology.  A picture of the buses in action on the blue lanes, is provided in the equation diagram that follows the next set of paragraphs.]

Now the 'what of' question.

Way back a few decades ago, was the Presidential dedication to expand highways.  Is it possible, to maintain all of these highways roads, and simply insert electromagnetic strips into designated lanes?

Whereon the answer is yes, there could potentially be a radically different transportation system than the one we use at this very moment.

To clarify, for the purpose of illustration, there can be described 3 phases of enviro-technology that pertains to cars:
  1. Present
  2. Imminent
  3. Further advanced
Present includes the cars that most drive today, gasoline powered vehicles that are the result of the efforts of emissions reductions from the big block engines from the 1970s.  Meanwhile, some have gone forward and acquired vehicles that are hybrids, which essentially use at least two sources of power, such as gasoline and electricity. 

The imminent phase, has the transition of emerging technologies that are being put into actual use or at the cusp of.  These technologies might be more popular in some regions than others.  An example is the BMW i3, which is described as a ZEV, an acronym for zero emissions vehicles.  Tesla and Nissan concurrently are amongst the renown names that developed ZEV vehicles. The i3 also has an additional power source so that it meets California ZEV requirements or goals, according to source, greencarreports.com, in the recent October 2013 article.  It makes an apt example, of what could be impacted by other technologies which could shake-up the ZEV picture.  This leading into the further advanced stage.

A hypothetical setting, is, if electromagnetic cars and roads is implemented suddenly to a drastically further extent than now, the pressure to meet the goals of a certain amount of qualified ZEV vehicles, as what a ZEV vehicle technically is currently, might change.  The designs of ZEVs might change to correspond to the changes in qualifications to meet the engineering requirements, which might change, for example the result of having demands lessened in the balancing altogether with electromagnetic vehicles.

As much as we all want to applaud new technologies, none of them are going to lead to complete utopia.  Cars sometimes crash.  Cars get old.  They need repairs after time.  Some vehicles get recalled for faults or defects.  The application to electric cells and batteries is no exception.

The further advanced stage has technologies known, yet not implemented or as popular in some regions than others.  Electromagnetic cars have been known about, about as long as the car itself.  Solar vehicles, natural gas powered cars, even cars that drive on water, are all to the awareness of vehicle engineers, that are working on transportation 'safer' for the environment.  Although the production process of safer vehicles might impact the environment, keeping it simple, there is a myriad of prospects that could constantly reshape the goals of vehicle production for the purpose of clean air.

Straightforwardly, too rigid a cathexis, an adherence to a set of ideas or perspective on something, in the medical sense, could possibly work against the progress toward curing, because being open and receptive to new ideas which could hold the solution, is part of the curing process.  In the sphere of automobiles and transportation, the race is on to develop new technologies, and the shape of the environmentally safe vehicles world is therefore constantly changing.  Goals, laws, legislation, slowly starts to become obsolete, when they are not conducive to the times.  Fluidity of technological developments deserves loosening of expectations in the framework of what stage is the current objective.

It might be discovered tomorrow, or even in the next 10 minutes, an environmental side-effect of all the cars built, and in the process of being tested, that no one knew before.  The sequent agenda then could become, designing cars that are 'such environmental hazard blank safe'.

Sources and further reading:







Further reading:
Tesla consumers not swayed by fires resulting from objects on the road striking the battery on the underside of vehicle, stories found through search released today November 11, 013.  Engineering adjustments are put forth for options, just like gasoline powered vehicles when gasoline mechanisms were damaged. 

Tags: olev  volswagen peple's car proect  electromagnetic vehicles  electromagnetic roads  zev  zero emission vehicles  olev  smfir 


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