Fort Worth, Texas Officer Involved Shooting Visited

Posted by HCN on Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Written before midnight on October 14, 2019

At the beginning, and at the end, it is extremely unfortunate that an incident like the one which claimed the life of Atatiana Jefferson occurred.
The ultimate justice is true justice.
Regardless of whatever reason racial divides have persisted throughout the Nation, let not that be a veil to seeing what the true justice is.
All the facts and factors that affected or could affect timelines of events that transpired in the incident last weekend involving the officer and Jefferson, need to be looked at very carefully, even those that were moment to moment, or fractions of a second, and ones spontaneous.

Names involved, such as Dean, and Jefferson, are well known not just in Texas, but the whole Nation. Thereunto, there are African Americans and individuals of multi-ethnicities from both sets of families or family name, that could be at least emotionally affected. There are those of European stock or majoritively such, that identify with ethnic heritages, that have both sets of names, and could be affected. Altogether, there many that may not have either of the names, related or not related, and of one, the other, or both ethnic roots, affected by the incident. Possibly, just being an American is enough.

To move to racial themes too fast if they are unjustified or not substantiated, may not be the wisest route to bring about true justice. Albeit, if racial themes or motives are involved, then so they be.

What may assist in the case, is to have a high level psychologist or team of psychologists contribute to investigation of the incident. This because the officer may have been in shock after the shots were fired, and acted with a presence of mind that may not reflect his ordinary state of mind nor intentions.
It seems the officer made action of resignation, precluding or preempting questioning, and was dishonorably discharged, -despite that (possibly)?
When a death occurs, at the hands of a police officer firing a weapon, an immense amount of pressure comes upon them, and often they are put in a subsequent under the limelight position where they have only two or several options, while they sit at the very corner edge of a table at the point it is easy to fall off, where at either option they take, they are facing imminent danger of the end of a career.
Historically, this has been the case with nothing racial involved.
When racial divides are amplified in a community, perhaps due to recent shootings, feelings of resentment, and lines of that sort, career ending shootings are about as inevitable as having to answer to an authority.
It may be that purging racial divide themes from the region if it is doable would have an impact in the long run.

There are some aspects to look at in this case:
  • How many shots were fired?
  • Have there been firearms discharged in the immediate area before?
  • Is there a general atmosphere of risk to officers from threats of firearms to investigate in the area?
  • Has the officer produced a full chronology of events, with etchings, and with his motivations for each mark on the timeline?
  • The length of time the officer has been on the force, a year and a half, is that actually adequate experience level, for several elements, to include the task of investigating a house in the area alone at that time at night, (about 2:25am) and in the range of trained police actions, took or not took the proper actions?
  • Did the officer given the lighting, see clearly the suspect, and so much to be enough to have racial identifying brought into the picture?
  • The victim's family wants justice. The family deserves justice. Have they been presented with a full range of options of what justice is, such as by counselors, law enforcement, and applicable officials (it seems they have had at least some thus far)?- although arrest, jailing, and confinement are often accepted as justice, in this case, will that really be justice, or is there something else?
  • Did the officer attempt to give assistance to victim, to what extent, and to what response time; did others in the area offer or attempt to assist?
  • Lastly, here for now, was the officer's shot or shots, the only shot or shots fired for absolute certainty, that was involved with the victim? Were there any other factors, like strangulation, seizures, medical conditions, other persons unbeknownst in the house at all present? 
    • -Making certain of the number of shots and who fired them is important; it is rare that just one shot from a distance through a window results in fatality, depending on distance and power of the firearm.

Let us say the case goes before court. There is a likelihood, no matter what the judge's decision is, there will be a group unhappy with the decision. Carefully investigating and mending the community might help.


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All automatic computer site generated time stamps directly below article title on all webpages in HCN, are on Greenwich Mean Time. There might be occasions especially at night where the story is written in E.S.T., on a date one day prior than the GMT date.


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