Frightening Scares and Tragedies Over The Past Week Include Pipe Bomb Mailings to Dignitaries and a Mass Shooting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Posted by HCN on Saturday, October 27, 2018
Just when some of the violence on the mainland began to wind down, suddenly, another source of violence.  It is not the first time pipe bombs have been a threat, nor mailings with explosive or matter hazards to your health.  Mass shootings have been dogging Government agendas and everyone, especially in the area of shootings at schools and educational institutions.

Earlier this week thereabout, pipe bombs were sent to various places up and down the East Coast and a few to the West Coast.  Relatively rudimentary put together pipe bombs were evidently constructed with material that can be purchased or picked up from a local hardware store or major home improvement supply market, for instance PVC pipe.  The mailings appear to be in simple yellow packages with simple font writing in black and white on the labels; probably went right through the postal service unnoticed because of the lack of them being conspicuous.

Dignitaries such as President Obama, Vice President Biden, Cory Booker of New Jersey who by the way has been threatened before in recent years, and Representative Maxine Waters in California, all, as well as several others, had the simple pipe bomb scenario mailed with them as the recipient.

The suspect, in custody since about Friday morning, as can be inferred from the list of his targets, may have done some 'homework', identifying or selecting his targets.  There may be some common denominators, such as, well known figures that are active, in the policy arena context, and associated with the Democratic Party.

The totality of the pipe bomb scare might have had ramifications and ripple effects, either as a part of the scare, or results of the scare, maybe even both, depending on how news travels, perceptions, and so forth; in short making the totality a larger situation than the essential components of a mechanism put in a package and mailed.

Numerous media outlets amplified the event, to include reads about the targets were sharp critics of the current top seat in the White House; for contrast in a piece of writing, currently affiliated with the Republican Party.

Sincere protectors of the leadership of the U.S. really do not care what party the top seat is, nor do they care about what party they, the protectors, might be. That might shed some light on a line in the sand drawn between unnecessary gibberish plastered all over the Internet about sharp critics of the White House seat goes hand in hand with who the targets are, and, on the other side of the line, what really goes on in terms of the recognized seriousness of the core problem, the problem of threatening anyone that has or had regularly embedded involvement with the White House and top seats at the state government level as well. 

The suspects in custody for the two incidents, above and below are about 10, ten years apart in age according to reports.  The pipe bomb mailer is 56, and the synagogue shooter 46.

Earlier today, a synagogue in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania was the site of a horrendous mass shooting, claiming the lives of eleven persons, four police officers were wounded.  Tree of Life Synagogue, Squirrel Hill area.

Suspect in custody.

There are a number of persons that have been admitted to several hospitals in the Pittsburgh region.  Information as of 6pm EST October 27, 2018.

According to the NBC news video of a press conference about the tragedy, at  the phone number established to answer questions, such as for victims' families, is (412) 432-4400.  That number can be called if anyone has information about the incident.

Tags: mass shooting  pipe bomb  pittsburgh  dc  california 


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