Large Settlement Authorized After Yountville Veterans Center Tragedy

Posted by HCN on Thursday, June 16, 2022
Note pro tem: There appears to be a publishing date flub in some online website sources leading readers and automatic reposting web tools to see data that the tragedy happened earlier today 6/15/22; in actuality the payout of $51 million was more recently announced. 

Written evening June 15, 2022
PTSD, post, after, traumatic, describing a major event perhaps affecting emotions, stress, the force or causing forces upon, disorder, self-explanatory. PSTD after experiencing wartime situations leaves having an understanding for those that suffer from the condition. A veterans center committed to caring for those with PTSD makes a lot of sense.

Unfortunately, as the event on March 9, 2018 illustrated, their is an innate dimension to a PTSD center, which is it could be the very site where a manifestation of suffering from PTSD could take place.

Alcoholic treatment centers may suffer from patients that go into alcohol related rages. Epilepsy treatment centers are bound to have incidents where patients go into seizures.

Concerns arise when the incident surpasses expectations, especially levels of preparedness and escalation prevention set in place by the center.

Sometime after 10am local California time on said date, what occurred was simply not good. Perhaps what many that sacrifice to protect, became victims in a sequence of events, to what degree connected aside. Three middle aged women, and veteran plausibly taking his own life; at the Pathway House therapy center.

Just over 4 years later, and the news perhaps actually intended to being released within recent hours, June 14th and 15th, 2022, $51 million has been authorized to administer to 4 settlements.


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All automatic computer site generated time stamps directly below article title on all webpages in HCN, are on Greenwich Mean Time. There might be occasions especially at night where the story is written in E.S.T., on a date one day prior than the GMT date.


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