Nearing State of Emergency Level. Chaos Emerges from Possibly Overlooked Vulnerabilities.

Posted by HCN on Friday, January 28, 2022
Written and published early night January 27, 2022

There is a red box at the top of the main page of this HCN website. For the families, victims, and those near those that have been lost in the past week, understandably, the red box should be used for every situation.

At this very second, there is so much and so many chaotic unspeakable crimes, especially involving loss of life, the stories seem to never stop.

The red box will be left alone for right now, and while on a borderline, try to collect at least a few glimpses of what has been an aggregate of events, with some comments.

What will be done here is a brief sketch, that the spiraling out of control, emerging from spots that are ordinarily thought of as safe, need a huge blanket or equivalent of a blanket, to calm things down immediately.

Here is what has been noticed without going into a heavy analysis, in regard to events in about the last week, nevermind the last several days, which has been a monstrous entity of strangeness.

On a national level, a quick note has been taken that in the northern half of the Continental US, there have been rife amounts of crime, that are ones that when read about, can be comprehended by the average reader, meaning crimes that can be put into a classification, such as robbery with a shooting. Meanwhile in the southern half, there seems to be an unusual amount of unusual crimes. These will be gone back into later in this article.

Starting with Baltimore City, they are coming off and recuperating from the shooting of a female police officer; it was noticed a few years ago, that the very area where the event occurred was starting to head in the direction of a new zone where those that might assault over matters like attempts to move to the top of criminal hierarchies, might just do something like that.

The other aspect of it, is whoever is perpetrating the crimes, have no sense of honor, no chivalry, no respect, as they say even among the bad guys. Since when are female police officers set still the target of violent crime? Only when cowards go too far.

Shortly afterward, a Safe Streets member, victim a drive-by. Just days ago.

Day before yesterday, Tuesday, in broad daylight, in the winter months, between 2 and 3pm, the husband of a police official fired at repeatedly, in a relatively nice area.

A man over 55 years old was shot in the face, disrespectful, period, after his car ran out of gas earlier this week.

Well known citizens of Baltimore City community have seen there lives lost. An event taking place at 2:30 in the morning is no excuse for senseless murder. The scales have been tipped. Little Italy saw violence, and the DoorDash mother of 3 who succumbed, in the County, within the past few days.

-A number of gun and shoot combination crimes.

No doubt the continued violence has put a serious burden on city officials.

Many minds are left concerned and asking for answers as to what unfolded that took the lives of several firefighters, when a row house, which many are decrepit, old, arrays of small animals infesting the structures, and have a potential to collapse even without a fire, in past few days; how could several be the casualty, firefighters are trained on dealing with what might have jus been a routine old house blaze, from the outside.  

By the way, the means of a prelude to inflicting evil or harm on someone, maybe one of the not verbatimly spelled out issues that AG Frosh voiced concern about, in regard to door-to-door COVID testing. Confer for example,  Frosh Warns Of Companies Going Door-To-Door To Test For COVID-19 ( Although some intentions may be good, in this climate that is also comprised of strange amounts of violence, caution must be taken.

A message is, brazen assaults are not just confined to in the early morning hours, or areas of less income, or just African Americans, they can emerge anywhere, especially when the chaos is not effectively mitigated.

A town away, and the Nation's Capital, are seeing crimes such as shootouts, and firearm incidents in a hotel, in the past few days.

Los Angeles, California has seen the murder of a young female teenager, the body then placed near a roadside.

27 year old off duty policeman shot earlier this month, succumbed, LA.

-A number of gun and shoot combination crimes.

Kansas City saw what has been ruled a homicide near a renown name gas station, shooting incident earlier this evening, thereabout.

More suicides have occurred in the past year, 365 days, than days, about 400, in the State of Kansas.

Milwaukee, earlier this evening,, officer shot.

Looking at the Southern region:
A woman dies in a housefire, Cherokee, Alabama, house completely destroyed.

In Alabama, a markedly high number of female and stabbings, in the same incident, occurrences in the past ew months.

Both parents of newborn baby girl, police officers, take their own lives, St Lucie, Florida, unfoldings about at the beginning of this month.

New Orleans.

On that webpage might be found, Broad daylight, several individuals shoot at passing vehicle, footage made it look close to an assassination attempt that used to occur in the Middle East.
Video link:

-A number of gun and shoot combination crimes.

Aspects of solutions discussed, remindful of Kansas City Gun Experiment, which had some successes.

3 Houston Texas are police officers shot, earlier today,

Shooting near elementary school leaves a fatality, Peoria area, midafternoon, a couple of days ago.

Former corrections head, shoots self after standoff with police, first week of January thereabout.

A couple of days ago, suspect or suspects in car shoot at police officer, speed away, and wind up crashing, car catches on fire, is the story so far.

High on -now legalized marijuana?-, might have been a major factor in a 20 something male driving in excess of 140mph and crashing into another vehicle, causing fatality, event reported yesterday.

Atlanta:  "...On three weekends in late June and July of last year, the state contingent totaled between 75 and 90 officers — on top of what APD put on the streets.

The results include more than 18,000 vehicles stopped; DUI arrests; the arrests of 23 murder suspects; and the seizure of stolen vehicles worth about $5.5 million."

6 month old boy shot earlier this week. Amid drive-by.

-A number of gun and shoot combination crimes.


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