What is the Deal with the Measles Outbreak?

May 1, 2019
Late winter, early spring, thereabout, it seems like it started in New York, and as suspected, made its way around to other places as well.  Health official were seen in a video weeks ago describing a major measles outbreak at nearly unprecedented levels.  Many might think that measles is a disease of the past, obsolete and does not really take place any more today.  That does not seem to be the case.

Attempts at explaining what happened and what is happening:

First question is, what kind of measles is this?  If measles is from decades ago, and vaccinations are available, how is it that it remains out there now?

CDC says over 700 cases reported this year, located over 22 states, as of today.
Informative infographic map at https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/04/30/health/measles-outbreak-by-state-map.html
States with the highest numbers seem to be New York with over 100, then thousands of miles away in the State of Washington with over 70 cases.  Aboit 40 cases have been seen in Michigan.  Cental California, and eastern Texas have seen clusters of measles incidents in groups of cities, as well as the Md-Atlantic region generally.

Is the measles advent to be blamed on other countries?  Our answer for now is, it is being looked at a very serious prospect, especially considering vaccination levels here in the USA.

Infants seem to be among the most vulnerable to the measles outbreak of the of the last few months.






Unusual Turn of Events in Hawaii

May 1, 2019
News stories found to recur in Hawaii in the last few days:
Helicopter crash
Source: https://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/2019/04/30/pilot-deadly-chopper-crash-had-moved-islands-just-days-ago/

Man escapes detainment from police car, runs back to his vehicle, takes off with one of two other passengers in the car, and while driving the vehicle crashes, fatality of passenger takes place.  Portions of event caught on dash cam, video in the story.
Source: https://www.hawaiinewsnow.com/2019/05/01/dramatic-das...
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Speaker of Maryland House Michael Busch Honored

April 11, 2019
Noted for having a respectful austere manner.  For over a decade and a half he served the State of Maryland as Speaker of the House of Delegates, and a member of the House of Delegates for about twice that long. Sincere regards for Maryland House Speaker Michael Busch.

Needless to say, among the reasons he will be missed is because certain aspects of his character are very hard to come by.
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Major Stories in the USA Since Last Weekend

February 7, 2019
February 2019 major news

State of Union Address:

Very dramatic and heavy burden that the Bissell family has gone through.  Present at the address.  Remembered as well, are all the victims.  Referencing an acutely unfortunate incident in Nevada within recent weeks.

Impressive is the courage exhibited through the incident in Squirrel Hill, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania last October, and throughout the aftermath, of the Officer that was honored.

The global climate several decades ago, the way most histor...

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More Government Shutdown

December 27, 2018
President Roosevelt in the late 1930s moved Thanksgiving up a week in accommodation for more economic adjustment time to the celebration of Christmas, a popularly celebrated holiday among a large number of Americans.
The discussion of when Jesus/Isa was really, really born, and the 'holidays' a major Prophet, in Seal of them, that came about 600 years later, restricted, and yes, in the end all of us should recognize Jesus/Isa for who he was and honor him, is another discussion.
The point here i...
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Violent Crimes by Teens Trend

November 23, 2018
A startling number of violent crimes of different sorts performed by teenagers and making headline news stories around the USA occurred in the past couple of weeks.
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Frightening Scares and Tragedies Over The Past Week Include Pipe Bomb Mailings to Dignitaries and a Mass Shooting in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

October 27, 2018
Just when some of the violence on the mainland began to wind down, suddenly, another source of violence.  It is not the first time pipe bombs have been a threat, nor mailings with explosive or matter hazards to your health.  Mass shootings have been dogging Government agendas and everyone, especially in the area of shootings at schools and educational institutions.

Earlier this week thereabout, pipe bombs were sent to various places up and down the East Coast and a few to the West Coast.  Rela...

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Things Got a Little Physical with the 'Proud Boys', Possibly 'Antifa' Too, New York and Portland, Oregon

October 15, 2018
Published October 14, 2018 EST

News stories have it, there is footage of some male to male, austerely but casually dressed participants, in some hand-to-hand and foot to body physical violence.  An American flag was also set on fire.
Lengthier conversations about the history and what these groups sprung out of, at least Antifa, have been discussed already by either HCN or the parent company group somewhere on our webpages.
It is not necessary to reiterate their historical stories here, nor prese...
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Music Legend Aretha Franklin Acclaimed

August 27, 2018
She became one of America's most well known music singers.
Ten days ago she passes; however, as many of us know, surely her music will live on.

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Austin Serial Bomber Situation Concludes

March 23, 2018
Written March 22, 2018 EST

The suspect's vehicle was homed-in on, and in the waning moments before the prospect of him being taken into custody, made decision to follow suit with going down in glory for what there was left to.

Many lessons have been learned about the event which could help avert future serial scares of the sort, at the same time, lessons from other events with similar aspects, are also applicable to this one; for example, the DC sniper case from a few years back, in vehicle pur...
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