Forceful Heatwave Makes Arrival to Central and Soutwestern Regions of USA

July 22, 2016
There were warnings a severe heatwave could be coming soon, and it appears that at least a portion of it might have surfaced.  The central areas of the U.S. such as Chicago and south of there, in about a 500 mile radius and stretching to Texas are seeing scorching temperatures.

In the southwestern area, like Arizona, similar temperatures exist, even up around 120 degrees.

Generally, regions where humidity has usually been high in combination with the extreme temperatures, for instance the Washington DC area, if the heat wave does not sit out at the comparative forefront compared to other regions, it is still advisable to be as cautious as possible with respect to the entire weather condition.

Renown Boxer Bears Witness to Time

June 5, 2016
Many in the world today knew him as Muhammad Ali.
How he spelled it, how it 'should' be spelled, how others and the press over the years spell his name, what is the most 'correct transliteration', let us not make that an issue for this moment.
What we will do is what the Prophet Muhammad  صلى الله عليه وسلم  (basic translation, prayers of Allah upon him and peace), did when someone renown passed away, which was stand and make respects, even for a brief moment.
There are historians...
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Giant Dangerous Animal vs Baby Can Come Down to Judgement Calls

June 2, 2016
The news is still recent, it reached points of the globe, areas of the world thousands of miles away knew about possibly before areas only a few hundred miles away.
In brief, at a zoo in Cincinnati about a week ago, a situation arose where a toddler aged child, reports of 3 or 4 years old, wound up right up on a large gorilla.  Details of whether he fell in, jumped in, or fate just had it way and the emergency emerged, we are not going to make the focus here.
Here is what we do know.
Once in a w...
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In Honor of Judge Antonin Scalia

February 16, 2016
Known for Supreme Court Associate Justice for about 3 decades, at this time, the Nation the United States respectfully honors Judge Antonin Scalia.
And, at the level of attainment, surely condolences are presented at far reaches from beyond our borders.

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Snow Pounds the Mid Atlantic

January 24, 2016
Several feet of snow accumulated in some locations in the Mid-Atlantic this past weekend.

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Child and Minor Age Victims at the Hands of those with 'Justifiable Exceptions' Still Unjustified

December 8, 2015
In our last post in the USA page, we discussed mental and overwhelming states being a contributor to the perpetration of acts that would ordinarily be considered crime.  That matter cannot be harped on enough as a broad overarching concern; today, let us reflect on those with mental and psychological challenges with respect to our Nation's children and teenagers.

What our Nation has witnessed over the past few weeks, are events that have unfolded where victims are in high school on down to chi...
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Mental Conditions and Emotional States that Overwhelm Contributing to High Frequencies of Tragedies

October 28, 2015
Looking back at shootings that caught national media attention over the past couple of years, and incidents of driving cars into crowds, intentionally.  Whether it be intentional, while under the influence of an epileptic seizure, the influence of alcohol or drugs, extreme anger, a mental deficit, or extreme anguish, the bottom line of the physical events that transpired are best not occurring.  There was an incident a few days ago in Stillwater, Oklahoma, where a car hit persons attending an...
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Issues of Respect for Defenders of Our Nation at Alarming Height

October 1, 2015
Taken for granted, sums up an attitude that unfortunately some that walk on the land of the United States, have about a safe place to live, eat, roads to drive on, hospitals and educational facilities abundant.

Without our law enforcement, firefighters, police officers, soldiers, and numerous other government officials and workers, America as a place to live in peace and prosperity would not be.

Despite the efforts to educate that respecting the abovesaid whom serve this nation is important, th...
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Big News Stories in the U.S. From Late August 2015 through Eve of September 11th 2015

September 11, 2015
Events in Washington DC include:
Iran 'nuke deal'
Pope coming to visit is planned for toward last week of September

Former President Jimmy Carter ill

Tomorrow, September 11th, marks the day of September 11th 2001 where horrendous events occurred on US soil, protuberantly in the East Coast

Note: HCN chooses not to have an obituaries section for at least two reasons, one, we might leave someone special out, secondly, those hat are exalted and esteemed enough to be condign of mention, it i...
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USA News Outline for August 2015 Through Beginning of Labor Day Weekend

September 5, 2015
Wildfires in western USA
  • California
    • As of today, east of Fresno, a huge wildfire burns
    • Evacuations have taken place due to a number of wildfires over the past few months; -evacuated health, welfare, housing status?-
    • Drought in combination with wildfires; drought victims, especially Tulare County
  • State of Washington
  • Alaska
    • Numerous wildfires occurred all over the state

A number of major cities in the US saw homicide violence spikes, recent days tapered down
  • Texas over the past couple of weeks has been ...

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