Rapper Murders Present Themself

Posted by HCN on Friday, August 19, 2016
The sheer number of murders of rappers present themselves as an aspect of the statistics of murders.
Investigating into every incident, and trying to get the scoop on what was involved that led to the shooting, what the details of their personal lives were, what their real names were, at this point can require to take on a whole project of study that can take some time.
It is understood that some of the rappers killed might have had dimensions of their lives which were not as the American legal system argot might put it, 'entirely clean', which generally means the rapper might have done some drugs here or there, got in a fight here, there, and so forth.
All said, and the decision to move to briefly summarize some facts about what can be perceived as a trend of murders of rappers, here are a few comments:
Many, or most, of the well known rappers, have been what could be described as African American, male, between 18 and 32 at time of death, killed by firearm
Many/most killed by firearm in a mundane, everyday place that many/most area residents frequent and take for granted as safe, such as standing outside their house, standing at a bus stop, in the parking lot of a popular department store
Some of the murders occurred in constructs like on the way to, or in a party or social meet

Rare exceptions to the above, have happened
This references older rappers, female, or not necessarily African American, at least in outward appearance

Salient portion of many shooting murders, is many of them had their murders never found out to popular press; it is often a situation of a drive-by or murderer got away and remains a mystery who did it.

Woes to those who disbelieve, as some religious scholars might point out, is always a statement that is going to be out there.

Now we must be careful at the same time.

If you notice, many of the rapper murder cases that hit the somewhat popular press, had a common sequence of events, which include often a young rapper starts to become famous, songs are put out in music media platforms, the numbers of views or sales of the music start to build, and some unknown individual shows up and takes the life of the rapper in place usually accessible to be driven up to or by, then the mystery killer vanishes.

Somewhere in the messiness of what rapper did what disagreeable deed, crime statistics in the city of their residence, and other discomforts to scholars of refined devout ways of life, it presents itself that there might be an entity that is predating upon rappers.

Tags: predation 


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