Regions West of Sacramento California Being Hammered by Lightning Strikes and Their Ignited Wildfires

Posted by HCN on Thursday, August 20, 2020
Key words involded as of 10am Pacific Time, 1pm EST:

Names: LNU Lightning Complex Fire
  • Acreage: 131,000
  • Counties: 
    • Solano
    • Sonoma 
    • Napa
    • Yolo
    • Lake  
Cf. source

Story also has information on evacuation centers

Idiosyncracies affecting warnings: multiple spots of high intensity within the larger fire

Reactions taken: evacuations 

Name: SCU Lightning Complex Fire

  • Acreage: over 100,000
  • Counties: 
    • San Joaquin
    • Stanislaus
    • Santa Clara
    • Alameda
    • Contra Costa
Cf. source:

  • Numerous other wildfires are burning in the State especially the northern area
  • When there gets to be too many fires at once, confusion is bound to start up, and news stories get mixed up, meanwhile groups if fires start merging together, making earlier written stories both obsolete and partially current at the same time
  • Sites such as Travis AFB, largest airlift operations continental, increasingly vulnerable with respect to time, as fires and other pyro ramifications draw nearer; non-comprimisation best, immediate mitigation of the fire ideal, especially for crititical infrastructure preservation


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All automatic computer site generated time stamps directly below article title on all webpages in HCN, are on Greenwich Mean Time. There might be occasions especially at night where the story is written in E.S.T., on a date one day prior than the GMT date.


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