Reminder Discussion of How We Got Into the Immigration Mess We are in Today

Posted by HCN on Saturday, February 4, 2017
Making this brief, because some of the subject matter really is not worth bring up.
And not worth bringing up again.

For those that might be in their 20s and 30s, without sinking down into dwelling on every event that happened in U.S. history, estimated from 1950 on, if you do not know, you should at least be aware of what went on.

1, different kinds of trafficking that went on, which should have been clamped down, but some of it was looked the other way from, because some people in higher up positions, all over the Nation, let it go on because they too were reaping the benefits of what fed the carnal desires.

Chances to clamp down on child trafficking, in the country, out the country, within the country, went on and on, and children were abused in the process.  Among the only ways the circus could continue was by not upholding immigration laws aboveboard 100% of the time.

Immigrants that were drug traffickers, a few of them, or many of them, got away with it, if their drug supply fed a higher up that would otherwise penalize them.

The failure to suppress illegal activity that coincided with breaches of immigration related laws and rules that were already in force, has snowballed to the extent, that now the quagmire is so big, like a giant yeti monster, all of a sudden to make any kind of ground to get things under control, brusque measures wind up being taken.

2, there is a multitude of other dilemmas that is not all that appropriate for a news article like this to go into; alluding to just a bit, there were other failures on the part of where immigrants emerged from, and it still was not all that clean cut; there have been persons with ill-will on their minds that have been trying to get over here.  There were war-time eras too, when people fled to the U.S. for the sake of their lives.  Then there are pretenders.

Enough on this subject.  Sincerity, doing good deeds, integrity, on the part of all, is the proven way to prevent evil out of control messes.


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