U.S. Military Loses Soldiers in Flights

Posted by HCN on Tuesday, May 19, 2015
Reportedly related to the rescue effort for victims of the cauldron tremors that rocked through certain areas of Nepal in recent weeks, U.S. soldiers were lost while in an aerial aircraft.

An aircraft took a hard landing in Hawaii, one soldier reported victim. Date of occurrence: May 17, 2015 thereabout.
Aerial vehicle type: Osprey

Generally, high quality aircraft, fortunately most on board survived; pictures of what appears to be the aftermath show a devastating scene with an intensified column of thick smoke that emanates from the craft; however again, many thanks go out to those that prevented what could have been far worse.

Based on an Instagram video of the accident, the following is a very glazed over visual sense of a possibility what happened:
Things might have been going as ordinary, then a third factor might have gotten involved, in chunks of debris or material of some sort might have been kicked up into the air, then hit something else, then hit something else, unclear all the steps, but eventually hit something which caused a spark or sparks.

Further details might be posted later.

Tags: military aircraft accidents 


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