UVA Football Player Shooting Tragedy

Posted by on Tuesday, November 15, 2022
...extends much further than just the campus of University of Virginia.
Students and teachers come to the institution from all over the world.
UVA has historic significance in an overwhelming number of aspects.
   A number of prominent individuals have attended or are alumni.
      Long story short, numerous who are interwoven into American history, or affected even the fabric of what America is that we live in.

The incident which may have evolved on a tour bus coming back from a play, as the reports have indicated so far, this past weekend and perhaps into the wee hours of this morning, is far removed from an isolated set of developments involving an argument or the climax in developments of some tension between a few football athletes.

Among the questions that lay in the air, were the victims future players in the NFL, and all that they could have brought humanity afterward?

The incident is remindful of the Virginia Tech shooting that happened April 2007.

The area where UVA is for the most part located, is considered by some to be an extension of the DC area, which is reeling from a recent incident within about the last week of a young teenager shot and later a fatality while raking leaves in his parent's PG County home yard, although Maryland. The UVA incident leaves a very ugly question of what the DC area is currently surrounded with referring to type and frequency of not only violent crime, but the unideal attitudes that lead to those crimes, what kind of environment is present today, and what are the possibilities in terms of safety or contradictions to a maintained safe way of life, are there in the region?

It is of critical importance to keep our educational institutions safe.

Published EST before 8:30pm November 14, 2022.


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