Vehicular Assault Murder in Kansas City Excacerbates Many Concerns

Posted by HCN on Tuesday, December 9, 2014
This post will be added onto point for point 1 step at a time.

1- '34 year old man violently runs over 15 year old teen', a big story coming out of Kansas City, Missouri.  The incident, last Thursday.
For those professing to be Muslim, the Quran says, there is no compulsion in religion.  Many high ranking Shayks and Imams have reiterated this saying many times over, especially upon major tragic incidents.  'La ikraha fi al deen',  is the loose transliteration letter by letter from the original Arabic.  It is in the second and longest chapter in Quran, after the Opening chapter.
Compulsively committing violent acts when there are many a recourse or peaceful alternative for whatever objective was gone after by the action, has no place in Islam, and no place in America.

2-Missouri is already reeling from the Ferguson, Missouri case and subsequent protesting, and general disquiet in the locale.

3-Incidents of similar nature of the SUV attack, have occurred before.
Honor killings, where an older adult ran over a female, teen years or thereabout, because of a discomfort with her behavior with respect to boys.
[Details to be uploaded later]

4-Psychological profiles and background checks

5-Immigration is a serious issue in Washington DC.  So to are strategies to avert government budgetary stalls.  Having to divert a weight of attention to Kansas City, to address activities of persons behaving in manners unbefitting with what they are doing with their driver license, might not be in the best interest of forward progress.

6-There are reports of a comment made about the Ebola virus, from the SUV attacker, something to do with 'equivocating Quran with Ebola'.  Addressing that: Cures from diseases, or cures to diseases have been written in modern literature at least since curing of the lepers, about 600 years before the Quran was revealed.  The Quran is often pointed to by scholars as a source to heal a wide range of illnesses, as well as having preventative cleanliness and purification guides set within.

7- ...Carrying over from point 6, question arises whether the SUV attacker was suffering from some sort of seizure, like epilepsy. 

8- Using cars and road vehicles as weapons.
Not a good time to perform these activities.  Never a good time to perform these activities.
In Mogadishu, Somalia, last week, or near, a suicide bomber rammed a U.N. convoy.


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All automatic computer site generated time stamps directly below article title on all webpages in HCN, are on Greenwich Mean Time. There might be occasions especially at night where the story is written in E.S.T., on a date one day prior than the GMT date.


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