What is the Deal with the Measles Outbreak?

Posted by HCN on Wednesday, May 1, 2019
Late winter, early spring, thereabout, it seems like it started in New York, and as suspected, made its way around to other places as well.  Health official were seen in a video weeks ago describing a major measles outbreak at nearly unprecedented levels.  Many might think that measles is a disease of the past, obsolete and does not really take place any more today.  That does not seem to be the case.

Attempts at explaining what happened and what is happening:

First question is, what kind of measles is this?  If measles is from decades ago, and vaccinations are available, how is it that it remains out there now?

CDC says over 700 cases reported this year, located over 22 states, as of today.
Informative infographic map at https://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2019/04/30/health/measles-outbreak-by-state-map.html
States with the highest numbers seem to be New York with over 100, then thousands of miles away in the State of Washington with over 70 cases.  Aboit 40 cases have been seen in Michigan.  Cental California, and eastern Texas have seen clusters of measles incidents in groups of cities, as well as the Md-Atlantic region generally.

Is the measles advent to be blamed on other countries?  Our answer for now is, it is being looked at a very serious prospect, especially considering vaccination levels here in the USA.

Infants seem to be among the most vulnerable to the measles outbreak of the of the last few months.






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