Series of En Segue Developments in Haiti From Palace Assault to Interim Leaders

July 10, 2021
Written July 9, 2021 EST just before midnight into the 10th.

All the details of what happened that took the life of Moise and injured Mrs Moise may take years to be fully ascertained in public sources. Of course all the whys and hows of what happened even longer.
According to reports thus far, some time in the wee hours of the morning within the past several days, the Presidential palace was stormed by gunmen. 
Numerous shots were fired.
(Comparisons of character of leaders aside, events that this event is remindful of include, Sadat, Allende, (gunfire in) Romania around the time Ceausescu was being deposed, Huey Long of Louisiana, referent references to.)
Joseph was interim Prime Minister within about the last day.
Within the past few hours, Lambert voted by Senate as interim leader, different sources say different things as to what extent of time.

Throngs of locals with pleas for American troops- remindful of popular conceptions of US troops in Panama back in the 80's, thereunto, that too all the whys unclear, and might earmark possible unknown unrelated dangers.

The events in Haiti recent unfolding, content above may be subject edits, revision, or update with more accurate information.


Summary Timeline of Protesting in Haiti From the 80s to Today February 2019

February 12, 2019

Around just after the winter of 1984, lasting for perhaps a couple of seasons, tensions between those uncomfortable with the President at that time in Duvalier, and those that continued to be in the support banding of Duvalier, described at a simplistic level, as there was an atmosphere of tension, was in existence reaching proportions that it became global news.

A few years after the turn of the new millennium 2000, protests emerged in Haiti, primarily on the subject of discomfort with the...

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