A Route Among Many: Trafficked from Nigeria to Italy

May 3, 2024
Often when many hear the term human trafficking, it may spark images of slim girls between 15 and 30 abducted in a big city and taken to another big city by some stranger against their will, or tricked into a circumstance different and worse than they thought it would be. There are connotations that they suffer in different ways, such as going hungry, turned away from career opportunities, and bad reputation, even if they escape. Psychologically, victims tend to feel bad. 

Some of these may be true, but what was just outlined is a basic popular notion.

It is becoming more and more evident, as the sheets of human trafficking globally have been pulled away, that there may be a such a thing as the familiar home base, and what is held relative around it.

Here in the US, human trafficking fears may often be along the tune of a female might get trafficked to NYC or a town in Florida, if it stays within the continental region.

The breadth of possibilities held in minds may be limited to a certain distance out rom where the person is, the limitations formed by what is known or familiarity.

The stories presented here, is that there are other human trafficking patterns and travel routes, that may not be currently everyday familiar to numerous people in the US, however, it may reveal that it may be a zone where human trafficking victims have disappeared to.

The routes and dimensions discussed here is just one of a number of similar models, in different places in the world.

The hurry up sum up of the story below, Nigerian young teenager girls, that wind up in Sicily, is a phenomenon on or was on the rapid increase, roughly 2015 to the present 2024.


Excerpts translated into English:
Fourteen-year-old Mercy was sold to Europe as a sex slave - more and more Nigerian women fall victim to human trafficking
From 2017
Published 02.09.2017

"...aunt had a plan for her. Mercy had been told that several times since she was little and had moved in with her aunt. Aunt said that when the time is right, Mercy should be ready to go to Europe."

"...boarded the bus in Benin City... southern Nigeria. After that, there was no going back. Through the window she saw her homeland for the last time. She traveled from southern Nigeria north towards neighboring Niger."

"After the bus had arrived in Niger, they continued across the border to Libya by bicycle. The journey took several weeks."

"It is in the Libyan camps that the women are trained to work as prostitutes, says..."

"- The families hope that the daughters will send money home as soon as possible..."

"...now I'm afraid that my "madame" will find me."

A few possible keys cited from 'Nigerian women are being trafficked into Sicily at a rapidly increasing rate'
The World
May 16, 2017:
"“Madams actually recruit inside the big immigration centers,”"

"...was brought to CARA of Mineo, the largest refugee camp in Europe. Located in Sicily’s eastern province of Catania,... stopped a Nigerian man on a street nearby, and asked to borrow his phone. She dialed the number she had been told to, and spoke to the Nigerian woman on the other line. Within days she was a sex worker. “Once you make the call, you’re off. You never go back to the camp,” she says."

Adding the map of the transit route in the svenska.yle... story (https://images.cdn.yle.fi/image/upload/f_auto,fl_progressive/q_auto/w_1600,h_900,c_crop,x_0,y_0/w_900/v1504183069/39-42504359a802de8161d.jpg) together with this statement from the latter article,
"Caskets are carried off, carrying those who didn’t survive the two-day journey across the Mediterranean, from Libya to the Sicilian port of Palermo. Babies wail and those sick and burned from the effects of the gasoline mixed with saltwater stumble towards the medical tent.

The Nigerian girls are given a plastic bag containing a liter of water, a piece of fruit and a sandwich. They're ushered to a vinyl tent for “vulnerabili” — the vulnerable ones.",

the drift of what might be happening becomes clearer to realize, a trip from Nigeria, north through Africa, and when reaching the Mediterranean, on boat to Sicily, next stop possibly a migrant camp, a number of hands involved in the process such as madames and pimps with the next stop a miserable life.

For those that may want to help with the abatement, just say the phrase 'cut that out' after every sentence, from "...aunt had a plan for her."

This page is note and mark different dimensions of human trafficking as well as the larger picture of exploitation

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