The Need for Maintaining Tending to the Needs of Neighbors, Illustrated

August 16, 2024
News reports are emerging of a woman, last name Santiago about age 39, and her son, about age 10, found decomposed in a New York apartment. 
Surely the timeline of what happened is being investigated into. Meanwhile let us look at some of the methodologies to prevent the sort of incident from happening.
There is something called a health and welfare check. When in doubt that knocking on the door of your neighbor might cause a problem, such as a complaint of invasion of privacy, or it could endanger yourself, you can call emergency authorities and tell them, you would like to have a health and welfare team out to a certain property. If you are not sure of the right number to call, start with calling a local non-emergency like 3-1-1 or 2-1-1, how ever your local area has it set up. If no success, call 9-1-1, and explain to them what is going on; there are usually trained specialists that can direct you further. Of course when in an apartment or condominium, contact property management and let them know the situation.
Examples of indicators that action should be taken, are, something is unusual, amiss, they (your neighbor, roommate, housemate, co-tenant, condo tenant, hotel, motel guest, etc. )have not appeared out in public as they normally do, there is no sound and no light emitting from the property for a long time, or the sounds and lights have stayed the same throughout morning and night for days, such as the TV or radio left running, the shower has been on for several days straight, or there is a strange odor coming from the unit or house, especially in combination with the other signs.

It used to be that periodically checking on your neighbor was the right and accepted thing to do, but new social norms have set in, and what used to be a plus is now often perceived as strange. Due to abuses like stalking, checking on neighbors has been affected. There are ways that can be figured out to get the neighbor checks done though, such holding a community meeting, and approaching the property as a group. 

Cameras in different spots can help.
Emergency contact usage can help as well.

Utmost Importance: Not Just No Drinking and Driving, But No Driving While Intoxicated

June 6, 2024
Almost midway through 2024 most folks in the USA have got the jingle down, 'Don't drink and drive'. Perhaps a next level of understanding is it is not just alcohol that can impair judgement and be a factor in road disasters. It is intoxicants and other elements that could be factors as well.
For the purpose of this post and to be brief, pertinent substances that are on the 'list' and should be emphasized as what not have in your system when driving, include but are not limited to:
  • Cocaine
  • Meth
  • Fe...

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At Least 8 Law Enforcement Personnel Struck by Gunfire in Charlotte, NC

April 29, 2024
Developing story
As of 6:40pm EST information (subject to correction) gained from news sources thus far:

Who: At least 1, possibly 3 [update 11:30pm on 4/29/2024, there appears to be more; note that if hospitalizing occurs post/due to discharge of firearm, physiological effects may not completely manifest until varying times after that,] US Marshals killed, 5 officers shot. US Marshals Fugitive Task Force (were serving warrant).

Where: Charlotte, North Carolina - reports say 5000 block of Galway...
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Baltimore Maryland Bridge Collapse Exposes Vulnerabilities

March 26, 2024
Bridge collapse in Baltimore early this morning. There were people in the bridge who fell off. Survivors being searched for. Francis Scott Key Bridge. Sparrows Point/ Dundalk area. A ship hit the bridge. This as of 1pm EST, Tuesday March 26, 2024.

What were the gaps that enabled the ship with it's height of cargo to get anywhere close to the bridge? There may have been some discrepancies in the check-throughs from the beginning of the process of loading up the ship.

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Serious Safety Evaluations at Mental Health Facilities a Calling. New Hampshire Reflections.

November 21, 2023
Where they hold mental evaluations, has also been the spot where those who have indicated they may be facing challenges in that area, such as PSTD, hallucinations and other psychiatric vagaries, where serious incidents have occurred. The ingredients of the incident often involve an AR-15 type of weapon, and other automatic firearms. Rarely, a one or two shots from a revolver.

Although the mass shooting incident in Lewiston, Maine just a few weeks ago, may not necessarily have been at a mental ...
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Watchful Eyes After Shootings Unfold Monday in Cities, Nashville, Little Rock, NY City, Houston, Chicago

March 27, 2023
Today, Monday, March 27, 2023 as of 7pm EST, this is what happened during daylight hours, the day not over with yet:
  • School in Nashville, Covenant, individual opened fire - 6 fatalities
  • New York City, 2 distinct shootings is the report - 1 fatality
  • Little Rock, Arkansas, reports of 2 locations where incidents occurred- 2 fatality, several injured
  • Chicago, West Side area, shootings, investigations with details underway
  • Houston, home invasion might be the situation, at least 1 man shot; kids and per...

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California Flooding Beyond Extensive, February/March 2023

March 25, 2023
To give an idea of affected counties, these are from lists on the FEMA site for eligible assistance. For full details refer to, this list is not an authoritative list of who is currently officially eligible for assistance.

Individual assistance:
Alameda (County)
Amador (County)
Calaveras (County)
Contra Costa (County)
Mendocino (County)
Merced (County)
Monterey (County)
Sacramento (County)
San Joaquin (County)
San Luis Obispo (County)
San Mateo (County)
Santa Barbara (County)
Santa Cruz (County)

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Los Angeles, CA Police and Law Enforcement Group Run Vulnerability Undergoes Unthinkable Occurrence

November 16, 2022
Tradition, why waver from tradition, over risk, possible incident, or a few small incidents that may have happened elsewhere in the past? The incident which occurred early this morning may result in many reevaluating just how serious the risk is of group jogs early in the morning, especially when little to no visibility hours.

Police are not the only ones that do group jogs on public streets, college and education institution track teams do them, ROTC programs do them, military units might do ...
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UVA Football Player Shooting Tragedy

November 15, 2022
...extends much further than just the campus of University of Virginia.
Students and teachers come to the institution from all over the world.
UVA has historic significance in an overwhelming number of aspects.
   A number of prominent individuals have attended or are alumni.
      Long story short, numerous who are interwoven into American history, or affected even the fabric of what America is that we live in.

The incident which may have evolved on a tour bus coming back from a play, as the repo...
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'Hellacious' Storm Ian Heading Toward Florida Any Minute - September 28th 2022 11am EST

September 28, 2022
It looks like this storm is a ball of fire in the form of water. Definitely not something to play around with, gamble, or brush off. If individuals are in an area marked as at risk, or been directed to take shelter, it is highly recommended to do or have done as directed.
For years, jurisdictions have been criticized for not doing enough to protect the people in the event of an oncoming natural disaster. It appears that many steps have been taken. It is being asked to please abide and cooperat...
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