2nd Polio Vaccination Facility Site of Violence

April 22, 2016
Facts are facts, theories are theories.  The facts are a combined near 20 police officers in Pakistan have been killed by gunfire at sites related to polio vaccination.

Quetta, in January 2016, and Karachi about 2 or 3 days ago, as of April 22nd, 2016, were the sites of the referent incidents.

The second fact, is polio is present in Pakistan, 'still endemic'.  According to a report last month from the Center for Disease Control, "According to global polio surveillance data from March 9, 2016, 5 wild poliovirus cases were reported in Pakistan." Source: http://www.cdc.gov/polio/updates/

Whether the facilities have been used in association with plots to seize Bin Laden, or whether all that is just mushroomed rumor, those matters are aside, when the core fact one is looked at, which is that persons are being violently killed.

Questions up as to what the reality of it is include:
Are kids actually being 'sterilized' at the polio vaccination facilities where the incidents of violence took place?

Some media have set on their sites that a splinter group of the Taliban is expressing their position with respect to a possible perception of polio centers being used in association with plots against Bin Laden.

The situation in terms of a broader geographic concern is at the intercontinental news section at: http://www.headlinecrestnews.com/intercontinental-news/throes-of-post-bin-laden-death-sentiments-include-medical-facilities-as-targets-of-violence


Peshawar Pakistan Affected Hard by Earthquake October 25th 2015

October 28, 2015
The toll keeps rising, time keeps moving; locations in Pakistan where rescuing and medical care is needed, are difficult to access.

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Pakistan Earthquake Big Trouble and Over 300 Dead and Inadequate Medical Treatment

September 27, 2013
The earthquake that hit Pakistan a few day ago, has been made more complicated by tensions in the region.
Rockets in the region have been reported to have been fired.
There are Parties in the area that are too many to enumerate and name in this article.

Nevertheless, here is an outline of the situation:

Geographic location:
Province of Balochistan
District of Awaran
District of Kech

picture of girl victim: 

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