November 13, 2024 - Malaga flooding concerns emerge now, south coastal Spain, while valencia concerns wind down
November 2 late evening 2024 EST - Valencia, Spain and nearby regions, contends with very serious flooding situation, thousands of police and troops being summoned to the area.
Emergency red box. Headline Crest News is the original author and administrator of the original information set in this red box.  Any subsequent content, changes, typographical or spelling errors, from other than the original could be the result of technical errors.

Extent of Growth of Israel's Permeating and Involvement with Regions Around the Globe, May Lead to Assessments. Damascus Bombed.

November 15, 2024

The Chair of the Prophet Muhammad, prayers, blessing, et al. upon him, is said to be in Syria. Damascus has a long history.
It is unavoidable from a historic standpoint, that continuations of attacks on Syria, is going to receive a lot of attention, concern, and possible backlashes.
Israel might state or have stated who and what they were looking for, when reports of missiles or bombings landed, such as a Palestinian group they say supports Hezbollah and others with aggression toward Israel. Upon the breadth of attacks controlled, narrow, limited, and having some level of sobriety, broad amounts of backlash might have been preempted, however, if the attacks continue, or become of gross proportion, it might become a situation of people react to what they consider surreal happenings that cannot happen.

There is a general vibe, perhaps tide, which is momentum of Israel carrying out attacks is post the October 7th, 2023 incident, about one year and one month ago.

Much if not all of what occurred in terms of the manners of the October 7th 2023 attack that was sent through media, can be summarized by all, Muslim, those that do not state they are Muslim, populations claiming they are adherents to the Torah as their priority as their way of life, and perhaps other walks of life outside of those 'Abrahamic' it is called by some today, for instance, those that may reflect more often on sayings of those with the popularly known names of Siddhartha Guatama, Lao Tzu, and Confucius,- say the October 7th actions were not in tune with the sayings most can pick up and read today. 

After October 7th, the world has witnessed a number of unfoldings, such as food shortages and hardships on those dwelling in Gaza, missile strikes on Lebanon, changes and add-ons to the events in reports about what happened that were not in the reports readily found in the first few weeks after 10/7, protests on university campuses all over the US,
 and more recently, protests in places such as Amsterdam, Antwerp, and Paris.

On global leadership arenas, the topic of 'polarization' has come up intermittently, or consistently, depending on what comes up means, in mind, or voiced, etc. Going back a couple of years ago, Russia's military involvement with Ukraine resulted in large outpouring from around the globe. The outpouring was comprised of different kinds of reactions, and in different spheres.

Leaders of nations had to get involved, even if they were fully aware it may have been reactionary measures and not self-initiated measures.

At the moment of October 7th attacks and right after, the same sort of sequence of events post the Russia invasion of Ukraine, began in the Palestine and Israel region. Condemning the attacks, then condemning the attacks in retaliation to the attacks, talks, summits, political actions, and the projected theories of never-ending what if questions, as they pertain to the health of just about everyone's nation and country.

Palestine and the area around Jerusalem especially, has already been deemed since the earliest phases of man on earth, that there would be outpouring of concern over the dynamics of tensions about the region. After October 7th, everyone from around the world was heartfelt.

Now more than a year later, an array of different kinds of events are springing up in different spots of the globe, which appear to be connected somehow to the tensions in Palestine and Israel, Gaza, and Jerusalem.

There is too much standing around looking for substances in the rubble, and not enough remove the innocent from harm's way.

Right now, this is an era where the lust for money, drugs, and human trafficking, is the driving force behind a very large portion of human behavior.

Let's do a check. Leaders of a country or countries may say to themselves something along these lines in the process of assessing events and developments in their countries:  'slowdown', maybe 'stop'; what is the real reason what is going on or just went on, going on? I understand terrorists may not run rampant throughout the earth doing what they want when they want, but, is what just happened, genuinely connected to worthy matters, or is someone just saying it is? I need to know the line, because the national security, health, economic and emotional well-being of my land, is run by me or us, the way I or we want it, not by someone else; I welcome constructive input and cooperation from others, but others cannot takeover my country and every high level economy region.

Published evening, night EST 11/14/2024

The following comment is for analysis, not to be disrespectful, as some of it references entertainment: 'so baby here's your ticket with your suitcase in your hand', paraphrased, scenes from Miami Vice, Masquerade, James Bond films run together, $3000 business suits to pick a number, and the country's security is at stake with every twitch made at the high level meeting, so make sure teeth are brushed and hair is combed nicely, and say exactly 'the script'. In different languages.

Successful War on Terrorism a Major Factor of Determining Who Will Be President

November 5, 2024
Published Evening November 4, 2024

In the waning moments before Super Tuesday, tomorrow November 5, 2024, big vote day in the US, where the 4 year term Presidency receives a lot of focus, of all the issues that might be scattered about on fringes of who should be the next President, like dusty moths trying to cling to the bulb of a halogen halo lamp, but can’t quite seem to get into the source filament, there's one standout issue, a matter that has historically been consistent as a matter of patriotic practice for at least the past 20 Presidencies, and that is: who will leverage the right elements to what results in successful US national security, and what amounts of leverage of what may, may not, or only tenuous affect, US national security, are in the reality of the rollout of what will occur.

Who will be our new friends or better friends, whose friendship and allegiances are going to wane, diminish, or be shown the door?...

President Taft and dollar diplomacy initiatives, affecting the Caribbean region, especially Nicaragua, and Far East, markedly China. Dollar diplomacy defined briefly is foreign policy where economic power is used to promote financial interests abroad. Dealing with the turbulence in Mexico, was a task for the next President.

Woodrow Wilson was faced with the Mexico situation and the beginnings of World War I.

The sequence continues and each President had to have a certain amount of know-how to embrace the next era.

Somewhat more recently was the Nixon to Gerald Ford transition. Generally, historically, there was a brouhaha over the sensitive subject of an allegation that Nixon had misled the people over policies concerning Laos, this in era where the Vietnam War was starting to wind down. Nixon stepped down before his referent term was over, with Ford in.

While President Ford was in, future President George Bush was selected to sit where Colby was. Mr Rumsfeld set at Secretary of Defense was at such hilt on 9-11.

Circling back to the culminating term of Ford, he ran against Naval Officer Jimmy Carter who won. The years of that administration was a pivotal, that saw a shift in public focus from the war in Vietnam to Middle East policy, notably the Iran hostage situation. 

Relatively recent memories still exist with many of us that are gratefully still alive today, of a moderately big to do of 'what if' Carter does not get by California Governor Jerry Brown? What were some of the concerns? Before getting into that, let it be stated it was in a past era, one before every grade schooler has a cell phone, before the Internet was popular, before the War or Wars in Iraq before and after 9-11. Jerry Brown had what may be called a huge career, holding several coveted positions of authority, nearly impossible in today's times to do the same.

During his father's tenure as Governor of California, referencing Pat Brown, a memorable event took place, in the Watts Riots of 1965. There was also the arrests of Mario Savio, incidents iconic of surrounding ripples in the Civil Rights era.

Perhaps some folks thought that Jerry Brown still rather new and young then, 1976 nearing age 40, to the higher strata political arena, was sort of in the footsteps of his father, and the 'theory' may have existed that if there was a similar policies carries continuum from Pat Brown days to a Presidential term from 1976 onward, it could be problematic to the tide of equal rights in the US- basically, equal rights may have not been as good or as far as it came to be in their respective time frames. (Again, it's a theory, and there's the might-have-been-a-possibility instead of state as fact, whether true or untrue, viable or not.)

Some conservative folks thought some of the scenes in some of the films being produced, briefly daubed, out of Hollywood, California, that went public and shown in public theaters, [and did not require going into a private sex themed booth to watch] got to be 'beyond' too liberal, such as in 1975. Question then asked in minds nearly 50 years ago, where is America heading?

In the 1970s, there may have been rumors that some people were afraid of a drastic spike in level of support that Israel could receive, and therefore Israel would be in a position that it would be able to do pretty much anything it wanted to do, nearly unchecked. Fears may have existed that, that scenario could occur if a nominee that was steeped in California politics, could act as the fulcrum then conduit for aspects of support, and ramifications down the line if too much power and abilities to affect health and welfare of numerous others were to fall into the hands of overly aggressive individuals, could be disastrous. At this day and age, it is left as theory of politics in the past.

What can be said, is the focuses of foreign policy having to do with the Presidency, in a system of ranking hottest issues at the top, were hottest issues at the top.

...Who will be our new friends or better friends, whose friendship and allegiances are going to wane, diminish, or be shown the door? The discussion continues to spiral into a series of correlations, one hinged to the next, such as, is the new set of friends and break from the old set of friends 'really' in the best interest of the US, or does it just appear that way to the extent of the sight of the a party nominee and team members?

Going over these concerns, today in the news, as a function of the results of search queries returning with results, appears is the External Affairs Minister Subrahmanyam Jaishankar of India made a visit here to the US meeting with nominees and other officials within the past couple of days.

Right through here in 2024, US-India relations are probably the best they have been since India's independence from Britain.

Perhaps issues might be, from the start of 2025, in the dollar diplomacy and fulcrum conduit world, is what would the shape of politics be in the future of India-Jammu-Kashmir affairs? What would the affairs, state, or balance of tensions between (India and) Pakistan be going forward? The US has had good relations with Pakistan too, for a long time.

Brief background on some current to recent past ideology connections— E.A. Minister Jaishankar is member of the BJP; BJP s reported to have ties with Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh (RSS). Today a lot of what goes on in group-ties in India is clumped together with phrases like Hindu Nationalists, which describes RSS. Unfortunately, in recent decades, some of the Hindu Nationalism which may about a 100 years ago been seen as a relief from British occupation/oppression, morphed into oppression of numerous Muslim population, to some degree persisting through now.

There are differing reports about the number of casualties of incidents like the Gujarat riots of 2002 which s reported to have claimed over 1000 lives, over 750 of them Muslim, at the lowest count.

Hindutva, that people started going into extremism, went the wrong way too far. BJP and Rajha Sabya are terms no stranger to readings on the unspeakable attacks during Gujarat riots.

Hey, I love India, we love India, they are reputed to be earth's oldest or one of the oldest nations. It is said the early man Adam first began his footsteps on earth in the southern part of the region. India has made tremendous progress economically and technologically over the past 15 years that may be literally mind blowing to many of us here on earth, wealthy and disadvantaged.

There is a political sphere. Things can get more and more complex and complicated as you delve higher and higher up into international relations involving India. Also in regard to international relations, there are religious spheres, spiritual spheres, military industrial complex spheres, intelligence spheres, and the bad part, terror cell spheres. Things can get more and more complex and complicated as you delve higher and higher up into these.

Looking back, some may wish that similar visits from India, in its own discussion about US-India relations, was made in preceding Presidential races. Maybe there were some visits, but it was not as public eye salient as ths week's was.

At the end of the day, as an open-ended theory, no matter what other nations outside the US are involved, the primary concern is that too many of the blueprints to our Nation could fall into the wrong (and possibly destructive) hands, especially such as through the friend to a friend to an associate to an accomplice to a blurred accomplice wishing ill, methodology.

Today in the US war on terror, current concerns include:

  • affiliate al-Qa’ida in the Indian Subcontinent (AQIS)
  • A group 'inspired' by Al Qaeda called 'Indian Mujahedeen (IM)'
  • Tamil militant Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam



Calls for Adjustments to Peace Strategies, (in Addition to Ceasefire), Dividers on a Power Trip Think They Have Evaded Detection. Focus: East of the Mediterranean, and North of the Black Sea

October 16, 2024
Escalated preparations for this roundup, late night October 15, 2024 EST

Full/actual title [titles have limits to the number of words or platform does not publish]: Calls for Adjustments to Peace Strategies, (in Addition to Ceasefire), When the Dividers on a Power Trip Think They Have Evaded Detection. Discussion Focus: (Simultaneously), the Region that Begins Starting East of the Mediterranean Sea, and Region that Begins Starting North of the Black Sea

'Divider' here, refers to those that seek to divide people for evil purposes; and a close sounding word, devisors, not the testator of a will, but as in the one that devises, evil plans, the opposite of unity for good purpose.

Levant could conceivably refer to the first region spoken of, but as a matter of word choice, there is abiding by the sensitivity that some may have. Back in the 1970s, scholars of Arab/ Arab World/ Middle East affairs used to say, certain dimensions, or those from the region, try to shy away at times from using the term Levant, because of the feelings at large of use of the term Levant by the French after World War I. Back then, individuals that were still living in the 1970s, may have been for example, in their youth, and had memories of events when French forces were present, in for example Lebanon.
-That discussion, about the elder scholars from the 1970s and what they have or had to say, will not be had for right now, for one of the very reasons why this post is being written.

Whoever or whomever the great divider, or devisor of dividing, is or are, is or are obviously using news stories that may be, or are, intended to raise awareness of issues in the region loosely comprised/bounded by Israel/Lebanon/Palestine and Ukraine/ Southern Russia/ nearby lands in suspense at least, in an evil strategy that resembles a vortex, where every news story put out there is attempted to be used to continue a buildup of a swirling and growing blanket of chaos, and oppression, as well as some other things that will be brought up here.

If such an evil presence exists, and they are reading this, let it be clearly and plainly said to them, or you, you have been identified. You have been identified long ago.

You were identified when you abused children in the bath houses.

You are identified once again when orphanages are a, if not the, main target for oppression in Ukraine. It is not clear what 'nationality', if any particular nationality is even involved, or army 'color' if it even is an army, is behind it. (It does not matter).

The telltale signs that child abuse was about to erupt were seen in the aura around you years ago when you started walking in the direction towards the orphanages.
Said in a polite way, -please.

So when the enemy of peace has no clearly defined, from where, named who, there is one side and there is the opposing side, such as in Battleship the household toy game, toy soldiers in 2 colors of paint, checkers or chess,- the chess master business which is hackneyed, may need to be dealt with differently than continue to go around and around in circles trying to sit down at a big peace making meeting.

Furthermore, getting to the bottom of who the 'trigger-pullers' and 'age susceptible abusers' are, and sitting them down, perhaps shake them and wake them up, back to sanity, or get them the help they need to be sane, has to be emphasized. 

The strategy and task of (giving) psychological evaluations to high ranking generals (for them to undergo) is nothing new.

For example,
An article published over14 years ago,
Many Senior Russian Officers Psychologically Unfit For Their Positions – Study
May 2010

"The results of a new MVD study of senior militia officers has confirmed various high-profile cases have shown and many Russians have long suspected: many of these officers are “psychologically unfit” to perform their studies and should receive counseling or be dismissed."


An overwhelming part of what was witnessed October 7, 2023 by the world over might be unanimously agreed as in poor taste; these words chosen in an effort to keep the words in this post in respectable taste.

There was an event over the past few days that seems to have plunged into a layer closer to what could be referred to 'hellfire-like', hellish, in an actual sense, when going by today's general descriptions of punishment by fire, on for instance, psychological fusioned with physiological level.

News reports say, Al-Aqsa Martyrs Hospital, was the site of some kind of strike, and a fire ignited. The number of persons injured and fatalities vary from report to report.

There have been other events that involved missile strikes over the past year, however this recent one seemed to have one of the more darker categorization.

If a flat map of the world was rolled out, and places with the most intense strife was colored in using a ranking system, blue for cool, red for hot, it is pretty much acknowledged that hot points are in the regions, east of the Mediterranean..., and north of the Black Sea. Aside from the polarity matter, who and where has what level of polarity. We know today's news and media techniques are involved in the totality, because it used to take months back in the 1970s, for events like the ones in the past couple of weeks, to reach news outlets in regions geographically further out. Where ever the hotspot of the sinister activity is, it has to cool down.

September 29th 2024 Global Headlines Roundup - Aside from Floods

September 30, 2024
Written/begun September 29th, 2024
For flood outline click here, previous main page post


Airstrikes reported to be Israel responsible, continue.
News stories are circulating about 7 individuals deceased through the airstrikes that were either leaders or potential leaders of certain posts in Hezbollah, preponderant location of the strikes appear to be in Lebanon.
For example:

Bios within those stories rarely take up more than a sentence or two. The common thread is that they were folks that joined Hezbollah in about the early 1980s. In order for the basic facts in chronology to occur, if they were about 60 when deceased, they were about 20 when joining.

Are there any issues? Perhaps. One is the back-in-time question (in legalese, 'retroactive'...), of judging someone in the 1980s, pertinent but not limited to, when fighting in a region such as Lebanon was rife, Shia leadership in nearby Iran had just come in, post Shah, and news circulation is not like it is today, where cell phones and Wi-Fi can make many in many corners of the globe aware of situations such as an explosion of any sort, accidental, a farm, a factory, war, a circus stunt, within seconds or real time of it happening. Moreover, what might be described as the heat of belief, in terms of individuals intentions behind certain actions, may have been different then than it is now, where today has a lot of media and political dominated climate. Availability and options to survive, back in the 1980s, also perhaps different, especially for youth that may have seen joining the nearest available group, as one of 2 or 3 groups to either survive or perish, option limited to joining one group, or the other group perceived as the enemy or opposing side, or not of the same reigion or faith, plus that family members had been lost, and they in some ways were still 'kids'; to a 20 year old then, what else were they going to do?, often becomes a subject matter human rights entities look into. This historical phenomenon may hold true for numerous regions where strife and tensions took place, such as overthrows of tyrannical corrupt governments by communist groups, whereas communism is not currently perceived as aligned with democratic ideals of the United States and many, especially European, nations; west of the Atlantic, is included. That all briefly unraveled, discerning the line or lines in the sand, of when someone joined a group as an older kid, ('kid' means compared to an elder, -not to detract from their development but for illustrative purposes,-) and then, either continuing terror consistently since, commencing to engage in leftist terrorism, made it clear he or she was seizing the opportune moment to join a group to start their career as terrorists for greedy aims, or branching off into their own 'thing', engaging in activities such as illegal drug trafficking, using both sides of war and their groups as shields to cultivate gangs that engage in deviant practices. Obviously there are going to be cases where individuals got out when they could get out, changed their ways, cleaned up, etc. The discussion of accountability. Is a 20 year old that 'joined', but did no damage, then unboarded, still accountable 40 years later in a different climate, are they actually being a viable danger or threat? If there are, then so be the case, if they are not, then over aggression towards them might be case of imbalanced action.

It may be that there is a general belief, such as including in the current air emotions, that after the October 7th incident last year, about a week from the 1 year mark past, that Israeli forces are adamant about eradicating any all possible threats to them; whereas that may be the rationale for a series of attacks on whom they believe might be dangers or threats.

There are differing views and opinions, as well as differing levels of depths of information by those holding those views and opinions, as to what extent who or what was targeted, and level of severity of attacks on those targets, are fair, or gone too far, or should not have been.

News reports in recent hours indicate there are targets in Yemen by Israeli forces.

Total number of persons injured, killed, and displaced due to Israeli airstrikes, is becoming a policy stance issue taken on by numerous nations globally


A small plane crashed over the weekend, Wright Brothers Airport in North Carolina, lives lost


Massachusetts dealing with police cadet lost in defense tactics training incident. He was about 25.


In road world bicycling championships, Zurich area, a cyclist died, post crash, rain slicked roads, head injury, over the past week, Swiss, female, age 18.


AI, acronym for artificial intelligence, making waves in the news, for some unfortunate but obvious it is a dire issue now that it is here; toward the top of the stack at this time, the idea of fake porn, which can be very hurtful. The positive of AI, is it illustrates advances in technology, and that there have been some folks that went to school and got good at computers. The positive of AI, which is to mimic reality so closely that it almost appears as reality, or in some cases can be mistaken for reality, needs to be used for positive purposes such as developing scientific models of natural weather disasters, like the destruction in process now with Hurricane Helene. As it is pondered what AI could have done to prevent traumatic moments of patients on the roof of hospitals being rescued while first responders risk their lives, AI models might have shown the behaviors of the waters that surged should have dictated the hospital or hospitals should have been evacuated perhaps a day in advance, ambulance drivers should not have been driving out there, and so on; while not having to be concerned that your son or daughter in school that has never thought of sin, might have their photo of a harmless pose sitting in chair be fusioned with some other pose of someone else in the porn industry in some other despised presentment not to be discussed here, then on top of that, morphing the picture so it actually looks like the school student, then further exacerbated by having the photo distributed at exponential speed through computers and social media. And not just people and porn, AI could be used in the negative manner in a number of ways, fake news, etc.
The US is trying crack down on referent wrongful use of AI. South Korea is also cracking down, and might be implementing punitive actions for certain kinds of usage. 
Of course a key is getting control of the situation before it spirals out of control.


North Korea took up issue with aspects of how the Ukraine-Russia tension is being addressed, including in the dimension of accusations that they, North Korea, are supplying weapons or supportive somehow thereunto weapons.


West Sumatra, Indonesian province, had the site of a gold mining operation that collapsed, rescue operation, some rescued, some lost, over the weekend.
There are reports of similar incidents elsewhere in the Indonesia region recently.

Meanwhile, tiger traps have been set out subsequent reports of tigers showing up in Sumatra villages.


The decline in sociological conditions in South Africa -- to quickly come to a point, the decline is very steep.The frequency of mass shootings is beyond crisis in some areas.
Although South Africa might have made headlines for decades as the home of apartheid, and splendor in other ways, that the austerity of and and stability, will remain as though permanent, so it seemed, sometimes reality just happens. 
-Intervention in different methods may be necessary as a matter of human concern

World Flooding Brief, Hard Hit Areas as of September 29, 2024

September 30, 2024
Updated September 29, '24; major natural disasters being contended with or to be contended with at this time:
-Hurricane Helene made its way from the Central America region on up to and through Florida several days ago. It is/was a fierce spiral that does not appear, it will soften before arrival. Evacuation orders in place. Those evacuation orders best taken very seriously. As of September 29th, 2024, about 100 persons have been reported as dead. Path of the storm generally went from south to north. Exact path and points of destruction, either in the path, or in the outward ripple effects and other phenomena that occur outward from the path, might be less predictable, loosely determined where it will occur, whereas safest precaution is all areas east and west of the general path, and of course north, should brace for the possibilites. The western part of North Carolina, a case in point, had areas devastated. Parts of western Virginia as well. Perhaps the alert more accurate is actually more of a widespread blanket, and says all areas at least east of the Mississippi [River] are in the realm of possibility of being affected somehow. That said, as to safe side of when storm Helene is over, might be to take precautions for at least several more days. Areas like, but not limited to, West Virginia, west Pennsylvania, might be in a zone of some kind of severe storm occurrence within the next few days; some areas within these may have or have been already been affected. This considering wax and wane of storm conditions, aside from whether Helene per se or not.
Dissapation process of Helene and associated storm system might encompass almost the entire continental United States and parts of Canada, where some levels of storm conditions may exist within it before it is finally over.

-Flooding in the southern region of Poland

-Nepal, especially Kathmandu valley area; flooding; reports of about 150 deaths

-Mexico, especially Guerrero area, southwest of Mexico City; impacts from storm John

-Bangladesh flooding, especially the aftermath and survival concerns
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Burma/Myanmar Crisis Corner

Update January 21, 2024
Key words/terms in the crisis today:
Kachin Independence Army
Myanmar National Democratic Alliance Army
CDF-Mara chapter
National Unity Government of Myanmar (NUG)
Chinland Council
Arakan Army
Arakan Rohingya Salvation Army
United League of Arakan (ULA)
Palaung State Liberation Front (PSLF)
Ta'ang National Liberation Army (TNLA)
Three Brotherhood Alliance
Frequent jailing of journalists
anti-Muslim 969

Update August 1, 2022
According to, Hliang set before the body a proposal of allowing him to serve 6 more months, whereat word has arrived in the press that a 'State of Emergency' has been extended 6 more months. HCN comment, it may be clear that a 'State of Emergency' in their meaning might not be exactly the same as it is in the US. Perhaps English descriptive term State of Emergency in the context of the Burma/Myanmar crisis is a translation of something.

Update April 21, 2022
Reports of riot at detention center in what appears to be Kedah State, Malaysia with past several days; 6 fatalities in aftermath; those fleeing Myanmar, over 300 're-arrests'. Ramifications of power overturn is how wide?

Update August 4, 2021: US State Dept slated to talk with NUG
Update June 19, 2021: Looks like Rohingya taking the brunt, no matter which way the developments go- story here Village burned to the ground, Kin Ma, June 17th, 2021, elderly dead in the process- elderly victims, plus corpses coming back without organs, equals what, not a tone that says perpetrators deep, perhaps just simply evil. May 26, 2021: An American journalist is detained; officials have died in custody. Pictures of armed soldiers in camouflage have been released, wearing white face masks (presumably due to COVID-19).. not to be disrespectful in asking, but why undermine the entire camouflage with white mask?, is a question that presents, when assessing the situation
Update May 10, 2021: Thermal/pyro methodologies of opposition suppression being used extensively. See PDF translated page of BBC article citing those activities at Attacks in Burma-Myanmar (italic click link) [copyright waiver request- time of essence]. Satellite usage is being suppressed in the region as well, so there is a strong chance that not every event is being recorded and broadcast for the world to quickly access and view through media.
Update Sunday May 9, 2021: NUG poised to set up a people's defense force; 8 protestors reported killed when fired on by security forces on Sunday May 2, 2021 thereabout, in Kyaukme, Shan State. Those events post April ASEAN meeting [..arriving classic off the airplane on red carpet, clasped hands, modern day dress suit considered Western; 3 finger wave, about as ancient... Debate on who is welcoming who.]
Static pro tem statement: There is an emergency situation in Myanmar... content deleted 4/15..Details still becoming clear.. still no signs that the current situation is not at genocide level (Original headline Saturday April 10, 2021)
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